
A collection for small tools that enhance the modding experience for the Game "The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth"

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A collection for small tools that enhance the modding experience for the Game "The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth"

Text generator tool:

Used to quickly generate text objects used in the menu. This includes player names, challenges, bosses, vs screens etc.


Character sprite tool:

Used to generate Missing No and teleport sprites for your character spritesheet.


Item Death Note anm2 generator:

Used to generate a .anm2 file for Death-screen item icons to be used for your mods. https://wofsauge.github.io/IsaacTools/deathscreen_generator.html

Skin color variant creator

The "skin_color_variants.py" script creates skin color variants of costume files. If takes a folder path as its starting argument in which every spritesheet will be processed. Custom color replacements can be defined at the top of the file.

How to install Prerequirements: python3 -m pip install --upgrade Pillow pathlib numpy