A TinyBASIC Interpreter

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

TinyBASIC Interpreter

A TinyBASIC Interpreter.

The interpreter can run programs following the specifications described in the TINY BASIC User Manual by Tom Pittman, with the following limitations:

  • Numeric literals cannot contain spaces
  • CLEAR, RUN, and USR keywords are not implemented
  • Not all errors are checked for


The source file has to be compiled into a binary, e.g.

gcc tbasic.c -o tbasic

To get the smallest binary (approx. 11KB):

clang tbasic.c -o tbasic -Os -s -z norelro -z noseparate-code -flto

Then simply execute, passing the BASIC source file as a command-line argument

The following macros can be defined to enable optional features:

  • PRINT_ERROR: Print error messages
  • TRACE: Print each source line prior to its execution


Copyright (c) 2022 Wojciech Graj
Licensed under the MIT license: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
Permission is granted to use, copy, modify, and redistribute the work.
Full license information available in the project LICENSE file.