
A Tmux plugin to monitor various indexes and stock prices.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Status License



Getting Started

Ticker helps you keep track of various market indexes or a stock you would like to keep an eye out on.

Their percentage changes can be tracked as well.

This plugin also supports some of the top crypto currencies as well.

If you would like to track more cyrpto currencies with various different fiat currency support, use tux-crypto instead.

The data is fetched from Marketwatch. Currently only US Markets are supported.

Crypto Data is fetched from Cryptonator.

Supported Indexes:

  • Dow Jones Industrial Average -> DJI

    • #{ticker_dji}
    • #{ticker_dji_change}
  • NASDAQ Composite Index -> COMP

    • #{ticker_nasdaq}
    • #{ticker_nasdaq_change}
  • S&P 500 Index -> SPX

    • #{ticker_sp100}
    • #{ticker_sp100_change}
  • S&P 100 Index -> OEX

    • #{ticker_sp500}
    • #{ticker_sp500_change}
  • Any stock ticker can also be added.

    • #{ticker_stock}
  • Cryptocurrency ticker can also be added.

    • #{ticker_crypto}


Terminal and Tmux theme shown here is Lighthaus

Tmux Lighthaus theme coming soon


  • TPM is the recommended method of installing this plugin
  • curl


Recommended method:

  • Add plugin to your TPM plugins in your .tmux.conf
    •   set -g @plugin 'Brutuski/tmux-ticker'
  • While inside a tmux session press prefix + I to reload and install the plugin.
  • Add the desired format strings to your status as such
    •   #{ticker_dji} #{ticker_stock}
  • Reload the tmux config and the changes should take effect.

Manual Installation:

  • Clone this repo
    •   git clone https://github.com/Brutuski/tmux-ticker.git  ~/.tmux/tmux-ticker
  • Add the following line to the bottom of your tmux config
    •   run-shell ~/.tmux/tmux-ticker/ticker.tmux
  • Save the file and reload your tmux session.


  • Change the following format string with the stock ticker
    •   set -g @ticker_stock "AAPL"
  • Change the following format string with the crypto ticker
    •   set -g @ticker_crypto "BTC-USD"
  • Reload the tmux config and the changes should take effect.


All available format strings

# Replace the name with the stock you would like to track.
set -g @ticker_stock "AAPL"
# You can also set styles for the ticker_stock based on stock movement direction
set -g @ticker_positive_style  "#[fg=#A7C080, bg=#414550]"
set -g @ticker_negative_style  "#[fg=#FF4858, bg=#414550]"
# Then use it in your status line
set -g status-left "......#[fg=#21252D,bg=#5AD1AA] #{ticker_nasdaq} ~ #{ticker_stock} ~ #{ticker_stock_change} "


Format strings can be edited to what the user needs. fg and bg colors can be defined by the user.

set -g @ticker_stock "AAPL"

set -g status-left "......#[fg=#21252D,bg=#5AD1AA] #{ticker_nasdaq} ~ #{ticker_nasdaq_change} #{ticker_stock} "


v 1.1.2

Changes can be tracked in the CHANGELOG


Please report any bugs or issues here.



Copyright (c) 2021 Adhiraj Sirohi

Logo Credit

Logo was made by Vasundhara Sharma https://www.behance.net/vasundhsharma https://keybase.io/vas_sharma