
Pre-Con Education: Build Your Own Virtual API

MIT LicenseMIT


![Image of CA World 2015] (http://www.tmns.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/ca-world-2015.png) ![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/Join Chat.svg) #Pre-Con Education: Build Your Own Virtual API

###Ever wanted to write your own API? Now's your opportunity to join the CA Virtual API community and build your own API. Once built you can use it and share it with the community to benefit other developers who are looking for the same functionality. This lively session will show you just how easy it is to build your custom API.

####Participation Requirements:

  1. GitHub Account - To join goto [GitHub] (https://github.com/join)
  2. Web Browser - Chrome, Firefox [FireFox] (https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/) or IE 10+
  3. Network Connection - CA World WiFi available

Content Area: DevOpsSession Type: Pre-con Education Area of Interest: Application Development Audience Level: Advanced, Technical, Beginner, Intermediate

This presentation and materials are MIT Licensed Open Source - Feel free to Fork this on github.