JSFlashCards is a simple HTML5 app which allows you to test your JavaScript knowledge.
To view a demo point your mobile web browser to: http://cjus.me/jsflashcards
JSFlashCards uses John Fraser's showdown, a JavaScript port of Markdown. Flash cards exists in a JSON file containing markdown text for both questions and answers. This makes it possible to easily author HTML based flash cards.
A flashcard consist of an object entry in the js/cards.js file.
"question": "### How can you use primitive types to create objects?",
"answer": "Using the `new` operator:|| var numObject = new Number(10);| console.log(typeOf numObject);| > \"object\""
Each flashcard object consists of a question and answer key followed by a single line string containing markdown text. In order to keep the file neat, markdown is formatted on a single line. The pipe (|) separator is later converted into a newline to render multi-line entries.
The following conventions are observed:
- all questions being with a triple hash (###) to set a consistent font size
- all JS keywords are surrounded with tick marks (`) for readability
In order to support the creation of other flashcard apps, the js/cards.js file contains the application title and catch phrase to display on the start screen. Forking this code and replacing the js/cards.js file should go a long way towards repurposing this app.