
A soldat server wrapping docker

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

A soldat server docker implementation. This will automatically ensure you're running the latest soldat server version; if desired.


Using Docker Hub Server

  • docker pull vertigoray/docker-soldat

Default Settings

  • Admin Password = admin
  • Gamer Password = 123456
  • UDP: game port (default 23073)
  • TCP: admin port = game port (default 23073)
  • TCP: files port = game port + 10 (default 23083)
  • Only the weapon Desert Eagles is available.


Configuration options are done via environment variables on the container.

Here's the download configs:

Environment Variable Default Value Notes
SOLDAT_DOWNLOAD_INDEX_URL https://static.soldat.pl/downloads No trailing slash.
SOLDAT_VERSION Latest Version This is the number in the soldatserver zip file name at the download index url (ie: soldatserver2.8.0_1.7.0rc2.zip is version 2.8.0_1.7.0rc2)

Additionally, anything in the soldat.ini and server.ini is configurable via environment variables using the following, respective variable naming convention:

  • SOLDAT_INI will add settings to the soldat.ini
  • SERVER_INI will add settings to the server.ini
  • %SECTION% should be replaced with the section name.
    • The section is the
    • At the time of this writting, the sections are: BOTS, GAME, and NETWORK
  • %Keys% should be replaced with the setting's key name; here are some examples of common settings:
    • Game_Password
    • Admin_Password
    • Server_Name
  • %Value% should be replaced with the setting's value; here are some examples of common settings:

Note: The case you use will preserved. Stick to case-sensitivity as depecited in the soldat and server ini wiki articles, and you will likely have success. I've not tested all case-variations.

Here's a quick sample:


Default Config

Environment Variable Default Value Notes
SOLDAT_INI_GAME_Weapon_1 1 Desert Eagles
SOLDAT_INI_NETWORK_Admin_Password admin
SOLDAT_INI_NETWORK_Game_Password 123456
SOLDAT_INI_NETWORK_Greeting_Message Welcome to Vertigion. You are born to kill.
SOLDAT_INI_NETWORK_Port 23073 Probably should never change this.
SOLDAT_INI_NETWORK_Server_Name Vertigion Server
SOLDAT_INI_NETWORK_Server_Info Server running in Docker (vertigoray/docker-soldat). Courtesy of Vertigion (http://vertigion.com).

If I've missed something that should have a default, please submit an issue.

Config Example: Generic

To set Bar to Hello World! in the FOO section:

docker run \
  -e "SOLDAT_INI_FOO_Bar=Hello World!" \

Note: Obviously, this setting does nothing, but it would appear in the soldat.ini file.

Config Example: Real

To ensure soldat server version 2.8.1_1.7.1 is downloaded from https://static.soldat.pl/downloads with a different admin password; use the following:

docker run \
  -e "SOLDAT_DOWNLOAD_INDEX_URL=https://static.soldat.pl/downloads" \
  -e "SOLDAT_VERSION=2.8.1_1.7.1" \
  -e "SOLDAT_INI_NETWORK_Admin_Password=algebraic" \

Note: This will download the following server zip file: https://static.soldat.pl/downloads/soldatserver2.8.1_1.7.1.zip

Default INI Settings

This is the output of the Soldat Server launching. You can see the defaults that it sets based on launching with my default settings. Notice the weapons all default to 0 (aka: disabled) unless you explicitely define the weapons to use.

For an authoritive source on ini settings, check out the Soldat Wiki article.

             -= Soldat Dedicated Server 1.7.1 - 2.8.1 =-

         Soldat Dedicated Server initializing...

   Need help running your server?
   IRC: #soldat.devs @ irc.quakenet.org

   ---> https://soldatforums.com/

   Additional parameters:
   ./soldatserver -p PORT -l MAXPLAYERS -k PASSWORD
   Example: ./soldatserver -p 23073 -l 16 -k "my pass"

 Compiled with FreePascal (Indy 10)

SOLDAT.INI: "Debug_Mode" not found. Using default: Debug_Mode=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Respawn_Time" not found. Using default: Respawn_Time=180
SOLDAT.INI: "MinWaveRespawn_Time" not found. Using default: MinWaveRespawn_Time=120
SOLDAT.INI: "MaxWaveRespawn_Time" not found. Using default: MaxWaveRespawn_Time=240
SOLDAT.INI: "Deathmatch_Limit" not found. Using default: Deathmatch_Limit=30
SOLDAT.INI: "Pointmatch_Limit" not found. Using default: Pointmatch_Limit=30
SOLDAT.INI: "Teammatch_Limit" not found. Using default: Teammatch_Limit=50
SOLDAT.INI: "Capture_Limit" not found. Using default: Capture_Limit=8
SOLDAT.INI: "Rambomatch_Limit" not found. Using default: Rambomatch_Limit=30
SOLDAT.INI: "Infiltration_Limit" not found. Using default: Infiltration_Limit=30
SOLDAT.INI: "Hold_Limit" not found. Using default: Hold_Limit=30
SOLDAT.INI: "GameStyle" not found. Using default: GameStyle=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Friendly_Fire" not found. Using default: Friendly_Fire=1
SOLDAT.INI: "Guns_Collide" not found. Using default: Guns_Collide=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Kits_Collide" not found. Using default: Kits_Collide=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Bonus_Frequency" not found. Using default: Bonus_Frequency=2
SOLDAT.INI: "Bonus_FlameGod" not found. Using default: Bonus_FlameGod=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Bonus_Predator" not found. Using default: Bonus_Predator=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Bonus_Berserker" not found. Using default: Bonus_Berserker=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Bonus_Vest" not found. Using default: Bonus_Vest=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Bonus_Cluster" not found. Using default: Bonus_Cluster=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Time_Limit" not found. Using default: Time_Limit=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Survival_Mode" not found. Using default: Survival_Mode=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Survival_Clear_Weapons" not found. Using default: Survival_Clear_Weapons=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Realistic_Mode" not found. Using default: Realistic_Mode=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Weapons_Mode" not found. Using default: Weapons_Mode=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Weapon_2" not found. Using default: Weapon_2=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Weapon_3" not found. Using default: Weapon_3=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Weapon_4" not found. Using default: Weapon_4=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Weapon_5" not found. Using default: Weapon_5=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Weapon_6" not found. Using default: Weapon_6=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Weapon_7" not found. Using default: Weapon_7=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Weapon_8" not found. Using default: Weapon_8=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Weapon_9" not found. Using default: Weapon_9=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Weapon_10" not found. Using default: Weapon_10=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Weapon_11" not found. Using default: Weapon_11=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Weapon_12" not found. Using default: Weapon_12=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Weapon_13" not found. Using default: Weapon_13=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Weapon_14" not found. Using default: Weapon_14=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Max_Grenades" not found. Using default: Max_Grenades=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Random_Bots" not found. Using default: Random_Bots=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Random_Bots_1" not found. Using default: Random_Bots_1=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Random_Bots_2" not found. Using default: Random_Bots_2=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Random_Bots_3" not found. Using default: Random_Bots_3=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Random_Bots_4" not found. Using default: Random_Bots_4=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Logging" not found. Using default: Logging=1
SOLDAT.INI: "Stationary_Guns" not found. Using default: Stationary_Guns=1
SOLDAT.INI: "Bullet_Time" not found. Using default: Bullet_Time=0
SOLDAT.INI: "NoSniperLine" not found. Using default: NoSniperLine=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Advance_Amount" not found. Using default: Advance_Amount=3
SOLDAT.INI: "Blue_Points_Time" not found. Using default: Blue_Points_Time=300
SOLDAT.INI: "Red_Points_Capture" not found. Using default: Red_Points_Capture=30
SOLDAT.INI: "HTF_Points_Time" not found. Using default: HTF_Points_Time=300
SOLDAT.INI: "Radio" not found. Using default: Radio=1
SOLDAT.INI: "AntiSpy_Chat" not found. Using default: AntiSpy_Chat=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Lobby_Register" not found. Using default: Lobby_Register=1
SOLDAT.INI: "Max_Players" not found. Using default: Max_Players=24
SOLDAT.INI: "Clanmatch" not found. Using default: Clanmatch=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Internet_Connection" not found. Using default: Internet_Connection=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Min_Ping" not found. Using default: Min_Ping=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Max_Ping" not found. Using default: Max_Ping=1000
SOLDAT.INI: "Balance_Teams" not found. Using default: Balance_Teams=1
SOLDAT.INI: "Dont_Forward" not found. Using default: Dont_Forward=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Vote_Percent" not found. Using default: Vote_Percent=0.3300000131
SOLDAT.INI: "Compression" not found. Using default: Compression=1
SOLDAT.INI: "Max_Spectators" not found. Using default: Max_Spectators=3
SOLDAT.INI: "Spectator_Chat" not found. Using default: Spectator_Chat=1
SOLDAT.INI: "Allow_Download" not found. Using default: Allow_Download=1
SOLDAT.INI: "MaxConnections" not found. Using default: MaxConnections=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Flooding_Packets_LAN" not found. Using default: Flooding_Packets_LAN=80
SOLDAT.INI: "Flooding_Packets_Internet" not found. Using default: Flooding_Packets_Internet=42
SOLDAT.INI: "Vote_Cheat_Warnings" not found. Using default: Vote_Cheat_Warnings=8
SOLDAT.INI: "Max_KnifeCheat_Warnings" not found. Using default: Max_KnifeCheat_Warnings=14
SOLDAT.INI: "Disable_AntiCheat_Kick" not found. Using default: Disable_AntiCheat_Kick=0
SOLDAT.INI: "LogFilesUpdate" not found. Using default: LogFilesUpdate=3600
SOLDAT.INI: "Max_Flood_Warnings" not found. Using default: Max_Flood_Warnings=4
SOLDAT.INI: "Max_Ping_Warnings" not found. Using default: Max_Ping_Warnings=10
SOLDAT.INI: "T1_Snapshot" not found. Using default: T1_Snapshot=40
SOLDAT.INI: "T1_MajorSnapshot" not found. Using default: T1_MajorSnapshot=20
SOLDAT.INI: "T1_DeadSnapshot" not found. Using default: T1_DeadSnapshot=50
SOLDAT.INI: "T1_Heartbeat" not found. Using default: T1_Heartbeat=139
SOLDAT.INI: "T1_Delta" not found. Using default: T1_Delta=8
SOLDAT.INI: "T1_Ping" not found. Using default: T1_Ping=21
SOLDAT.INI: "T1_ThingSnapshot" not found. Using default: T1_ThingSnapshot=29
SOLDAT.INI: "Disable_Minimap" not found. Using default: Disable_Minimap=0
SOLDAT.INI: "Advanced_Spectate" not found. Using default: Advanced_Spectate=1
SOLDAT.INI: "Difficulty" not found. Using default: Difficulty=100
SOLDAT.INI: "Chat" not found. Using default: Chat=1

Quick Swarm Server

Warning: This uses my default passwords so you might want to add settings to change those before doing docker stack deploy.

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VertigoRay/docker-soldat/master/soldat.yml
sudo docker stack deploy -c soldat.yml soldat