
kursybankucentralnego.pl - projekt zaliczeniowy na przedmiot Inżynieria Oprogramowania na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim z użyciem API Narodowego Banku Polskiego

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Setting up the repository

  1. git clone this repository.
  2. Install NPM and run npm install --save-dev jest and npm install frisby --save-dev in folder kursybankucentralnegopl/ to have Jest library, needed for tests in this project. Verify that ./node_modules folder was created.
  3. (Optional) Install Jest plugin for your IDE - for example, I use Visual Studio Code and use the orta.vscode-jest extension.
  4. Run npm run test for running the tests.

Setting up end-to-end automated tests

  1. Run command: npm install cypress --save-dev
  2. Test the installation by running ./node_modules/.bin/cypress open


  • You can run npm run coverage to see what percentage of code is covered with unit tests.

  • GitHub Actions CI is enabled - with each push for this repository, whole set of tests will be run. Also, nightly run of end-to-end tests is set up.

Sites that we have used to learn TDD





Sites that we used to learn Cypress

