
Neovim and vim Flow autocompletion for deoplete + neosnippet

Primary LanguagePython


Flow autocompletion for deoplete

  • flowbin support
  • ✅ always async
  • ✅ supports function argument completion with neosnippet


This plugin requires neovim (vim8 should work, too) with python. Minimal working .vimrc/init.vim:

call plug#begin()
  Plug 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim', { 'do': ':UpdateRemotePlugins' }
  Plug 'wokalski/autocomplete-flow'
  " For func argument completion
  Plug 'Shougo/neosnippet'
  Plug 'Shougo/neosnippet-snippets'
call plug#end()

" deoplete

let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 1

" neosnippet
let g:neosnippet#enable_completed_snippet = 1


If neosnippet integration is not enabled, this plugin will insert an opening paren when completing a function name. Add this line to your configuration to disable that behavior:

let g:autocomplete_flow#insert_paren_after_function = 0


The initial version is based on autocomplete-swift. Thanks to @SeeThruHead for the vim script to find flow-bin.