A aplication that serve the logic to manage the design of a software development
- node js 6
- sails js 0.12.4
- MongoDB version: 2.6.5
- npm install
- mkdir data
- mongod --dbpath=data
- mongo db.createUser({ user: "accountUser", pwd: "password", roles: [ "readWrite", "dbAdmin" ] })
- mongo db.permission.insert( { can: "edit" } ) db.permission.insert( { can: "view" } )
mocha test/bootstrap.test.js test/integration/**/*.test.js
- sails lift
- http://localhost:1337/
- docker build -t llll/api .
- docker run -p 1337:1337 -d llll/api
- docker logs containerId
- docker stop containerId
- curl -i localhost:1337