
Official Documentation for discord-buttons (multilingual)

Official Documentation for discord-buttons

How to translate?

Firstly you'll need to copy the examplelang folder which is located in: /docs/. Rename this folder to the corresponding language for example, es or es-ES.

Secondly you'll need to navigate to config.js which is located in: /docs/.vuepress/. Inside this file you will need to fill in the locales section:

  locales: {
    '/': {
      lang: 'en',
      title: config["en-US"].title,
      description: config["en-US"].description
    '/ar/': {
      lang: 'ar',
      title: config["ar"].title,
      description: config["ar"].description
  '/es/': {
      lang: 'es',
      title: config["es-ES"].title,
      description: config["es-ES"].description

Then you will need to add the language to the theme configuration

    locales: {
      '/': {
        label: 'English',
        selectText: 'Languages',
        lastUpdated: true,
        nav: [
            text: 'Documentation',
            link: '/documentation/#welcome',
            text: 'Github',
            link: 'https://github.com/AngeloCore/discord-buttons'
      '/ar/': {
        label: 'Arabic',
        selectText: config["ar"].selectText,
        lastUpdated: config["ar"].lastUpdated,
        nav: [
            text: 'توثيق',
            link: '/ar/documentation/#welcome',
            text: 'جيثب',
            link: 'https://github.com/AngeloCore/discord-buttons'
      '/es/': {
        label: 'Spanish',
        selectText: config["es-ES"].selectText,
        lastUpdated: config["es-ES"].lastUpdated,
        nav: [
            text: 'Documentation',
            link: '/documentation/#welcome',
            text: 'Github',
            link: 'https://github.com/AngeloCore/discord-buttons'

After you have completed filling out certain things in config.js you'll have to fill out another file to do this head to locales.json. In locales.json you have to add the language you're translating to. for example, if i was translating the documentation into spanish i would add:

    "es-ES": {
      "title": "",
      "description": "",
      "lastUpdated": "",
      "selectText": ""

Lastly you'll have to add the certain language to sidebar.js. This ensures that the content will be shown at the side. For example, i'll carry on the spanish translation to do this i'll add another section like so:

  '/es/documentation/': [
      title: 'Getting Started',
      collapsable: false,
      children: [
      title: 'Sending Buttons',
      collapsable: false,
      children: [
      title: 'Contructors',
      collapsable: false,
      children: [
      title: 'Events/Collectors',
      collapsable: false,
      children: [
      title: 'Miscellaneous',
      collapsable: false,
      children: [

PS. Make sure all the links are pointing to the correct pages! And make sure everything is translated and completed properly. if you need any help translating contact jac#8056 or join the official discord-buttons server here