These are my Ansible roles. They are made for my personal needs, but I try to make them as reusable as possible, since they might be of use to others.
The roles are made for Debian (9) and Ubuntu (18.04).
I try to follow WhiteCloud's Ansible Styleguide.
Each role is linted with ansible-lint via GitHub Actions.
Feel free to contribute. The roles are under the MIT license. They are not on Ansible Galaxy.
- ansible-alertmanager
- ansible-base
- ansible-blacbox-exporter
- ansible-caddy
- ansible-docker
- ansible-elasticsearch
- ansible-fluentbit
- ansible-grafana
- ansible-influxdb
- ansible-kibana
- ansible-mono
- ansible-mysql
- ansible-netdata
- ansible-nginx
- ansible-nodejs
- ansible-node-exporter
- ansible-pgbouncer
- ansible-php-fpm
- ansible-postgresql
- ansible-prometheus
- ansible-redis
- ansible-restic
- ansible-speedtest-cli
- ansible-telegraf
- ansible-varnish
- ansible-wireguard
- ansible-yarn
- ansible-zfs-auto-snaphost