Welcome to G28!

This is the GitHub repository for project-workshop II: programming. U can find and clone all the source code in here. The project is about a help desk application where the customer can log-in, view their tickets, create tickets and view the feedback on their tickets. This is a school project for the company actemium.

Table of contents

Group members

Name GitHub E-mail
Nathan Tersago https://github.com/NathanTe nathan.tersago@student.hogent.be
Stef Boerjan https://github.com/stefboerjan stef.boerjan@student.hogent.be
Wolf De Rechter https://github.com/wolfderechter wolf.derechter@student.hogent.be
Zowie Verschuere https://github.com/zowieverschuere zowie.verschuere@student.hogent.be



  • Support manager inlog => Username: stefB , Paswoord_1
  • contactperson inlog (klant) => Username: NathanT , Paswoord_1