Interactive documentation and programming with Scala, inspired by IPython notebook.
git clone
cd moro; sbt clean run
For more details, see the following Wiki.
To run the wolfe documentation locally, afer cloning Moro, do the following:
cd public/docs
git clone
cd ../..; sbt clean run
- Go to http://localhost:9000/template/wolfe/wolfe-docs/gettingstarted/01_welcome
- Enjoy!
Moro is built using the following awesome open-source projects:
- Play! Framework: Web applications using Scala
- Bootstrap: Nice looking websites!
- Glyphicons and FontAwesome for icons
- ACE: in-browser code editor
- Hightlight.js: syntax highlighting
- Reveal.js: HTML presentations
- TogetherJS: real-time collaboration without plugins
- SecureSocial: user authentication for Play!
- Pegdown: markdown processor in Java
- ScalaKata: In-browser Scala REPL
- MathJax: Latex math to HTML rendering