
Understanding Atmospheric Chemistry using graph-theory, visualisation and machine learning.

Primary LanguageTeXCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Understanding Atmospheric Chemistry using graph-theory, visualisation and machine learning.

Publication / Download: https://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/28367/

How to generate PDF

python compile.py thesis.tex && open thesis.pdf

Documentation of python files

  • clean.py : removes aux files
  • git.py : pushes an update to git with message as argument
  • reference_check.py : locates missing citations from bibtex
  • compile.py : compiles the pdf
  • glossary.py : generates the glossary
  • titleify.py : replaces each title with title case
  • flatten.py :
  • makeindex.py : creates the index (NLP chapter keyword summary)
  • getbib.py : generates a combigned and checked bibligoraphy.bib file
  • mini.py :
  • ./findline: runs a grep command on the arguments
  • warning.txt : output of compile containing things that need fixing
  • diff.py: gets the diff for files between both branches using gitdiff. This is then parsed, filtered and converted to markdown. Eventually the markdown becomes a .pdf within the diff directory.