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Dot Density Data - EC2 instance instructions.


CURRENT tuning

The current tuning is set such that it does not exceed 124GB on 32 cores.

  • Tested machine: m5d.8xlarge Ubuntu

Machine Parameters

  • No Cores: 32 - ideally 48
  • RAM: 16GB per core (that is 512GB for 32 Cores, 768 GB for 48 )
  • HDD 32?

Setting up keyless login

  1. Download your relevant .pem encryption file
  2. Move this to the folder you will be sshing into the instance from.
  3. Set the permissions to owner read only with chmod 4000 <your file>.pem
  4. Run the ssh command. (e.g. ssh -i "./path_to_your_key.pem" ubuntu@ec2-xx-xxx-xx-x.eu-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com)

Transferring the Data to instance

  1. On your machine, navigate to the parent of your data folder.
  • the current format is an Inputs folder containing the OA geom shapefiles and a data folder containing the 'TSxxx.csv' files.
  1. scp -i "~/<file>.pem" -r ./Inputs/ ubuntu@ec2-<xx-xxx-xx>.eu-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:~/
# some commands

# copy inputs (or other file EC2 to local machine )
scp -i "xxx.pem" ubuntu@ec2-xxxxxxxx.eu-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:~/Inputs.tar.gz ./

# tar some files on machine
tar -czvf Inputs.tar.gz Inputs/

# untar some tar files
tar -xzvf Inputs.tar.gz 

sudo apt-get install zip
unzip ....

Cloning the repository (this step can be done whilst the scp works. )

  1. Log into the instance: ssh -i "./path_to_your_key.pem" ubuntu@ec2-xx-xxx-xx-x.eu-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com
  2. cd ; git clone https://github.com/ONSvisual/DotDensityPrototype.git
  3. Navigate to the processing repo: cd DotDensityPrototype/process

Installing dependancies

  1. Navigate to the processing repo: cd DotDensityPrototype/process
  2. Install gnu make: sudo apt install make --yes
  3. Run the installer: make -j
  4. If a pink screen appears hit ENTER only

Understanding the terminal multiplexer

In the case of unstable computation, a break in the SSH connection can result in the termination of our computation. For this reason we utilise GNU screen.

  1. To attach to a compte session we naviage to the processing repo: cd DotDensityPrototype/process
  2. We then type make compute

This attaches to the 'compute' screen. We can view all screen instances with screen -ls.

  • To scroll press ctrl+A , and use the arrow keys. Hit ESC when finished. *

Starting processing of a single file

  1. To attach to a compte session we naviage to the processing repo: cd DotDensityPrototype/process
  2. We then type make compute
  3. Type make single. This exececutes the processing python script.
  4. Now we locate the dataset we are interested in, enter its number and press carriage return (ENTER).

Viewing status after our session has accidentally detached.

We do not have to keep our terminal open throughout the computation. Instead we can have a cup of tea, and go back to see how it is doing - this is useful when processing all the datasets below. Similarly if our connection drops we can re-attach to the session.

To do this:

  1. Log into the instance: ssh -i "./path_to_your_key.pem" ubuntu@ec2-xx-xxx-xx-x.eu-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com
  2. To attach to a compte session we naviage to the processing repo: cd DotDensityPrototype/process
  3. We then type make compute

Now we should be attached to the same screen we were previously.

BATCH processing of multiple datasets

  1. To attach to a compte session we naviage to the processing repo: cd DotDensityPrototype/process
  2. We then type make compute
  3. Check the data location in line 1 of the Makefile (DATASETS="../../Inputs/data/TS*.csv")
  4. Type make batch. This exececutes the processing python script.
  5. Close the terminal and go for lunch.
  6. After some undiscriminate amount of time see "Viewing status after our session has accidentally detached." to reconnect and check the status.

Viewing system load and resources

To view the system resources:

  1. Open a new terminal tab
  2. Log into the instance: ssh -i "./path_to_your_key.pem" ubuntu@ec2-xx-xxx-xx-x.eu-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com
  3. type htop

Visualising the prototype

Can be done using netlify or locally.

  • Remember to run npm run dev or npm build as required.