
sample go/gin project structure.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Gin Project Structure

Golang APIs for Example service.

this project contains backend APIs and logic for Example Service powered by Go,Gin,Redis,MinIO,CouchBase and Dgraph

Application runs on Go 1.14 And redis,couchbase,MinIO,dgraph and scylladb.

Table of Contents

  • [Project Structure](#Project Structure)
  • [Install application](#Install application)
  • Configuration
  • Features
  • [Services and Database dependencies](#Services and Database dependencies)
  • Testing

Project Structure

├── config                      # all config files is here
    ├── file                    # develop yml config file is here
    └── test_conf               # unit test yml config file is here
├── console                     # console commands dicretory
    └── cmd                     # all console commands is here 
├── constants                   # some static values is here
├── docs                        # any documentation is here swagger,flowchat,gif , ....
├── logic                       # business logic layer directories. all server business logics is here
    └── tests                   # we create logics unit test in here
├── model                       # we save project struct/models in here
    └── proto                   # also if we need proto files we save it here
├── repository                  # repository layer directories. all server repository logics is here
    ├── rediskeys               # redis keys names is here
    ├── couchbaseQuery          # we save static quere is here
    └── tests                   # we create repository unit test in here.
├── router                      # router layer directories. all server router logics is here 
    ├── grpc                    # a directory for grpc routers
    └── http                    # a directory for http routers
        └── tests               # we create controllers unit test in here.
├── services                    # request and connections to therd party servers is here
├── utils                       # some local utils functions saved in here
├── .gitignore                  # realy this need explain ?!?!?
├── .gitlab-ci.yml              # gitlab ci stages and commands
├── go.mod                      # go modules file
├── go.sum                      # go modules file
├── main.go                     # project started in this file
└── Readme.md                   # you read me here :)

Install application

Get application to run locally for development or deployment

cd gin-project-structure

installation dependencies

To installation dependencies use go mod vendor command.


by default app server in running read config file from ./file/cofigs.yml if you want to change some service or database address or ports must edit config file

Setup your own config

to setup config you can set your settings into yml file.

Run Application

To run application on development config use go run main.go



some time we need some worker to do some jobs periodically we use cobra to write console commands to do some jobs.



we have multiple grpc methods :


we have multiple http route :

  • /v1/ POST: api for ...
  • /v1/ POST: api for ...
  • /v1/ POST: api for ...

Services and Database dependencies

this server need redis,couchbase,MinIO, dgraph and scylladb servers to start running.


  • TODO: Add dependency injection structure
  • TODO: Additional instructions for testing the application.
  • TODO: maybe better configs structure