
Attempt to start a trendy dotfiles habit

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Attempt to start a trendy dotfiles habit


You probably want to edit .stow-local-ignore. It already is configured to ignore the .git files as well as README.md and Makefile. Use the -n option as in stow -n -v --target="$HOME" -S . to check which links will be created. The --adopt option may also be useful.


dotfiles can be copied in or being adopted using: stow -v --target="$HOME" --adopt . .

Use make stow to install the dotfiles.

Use make install to script installation of all necessary components.

Use make update for updates.


Currently experimenting with "git flow". Branches:

master   -> currently deployed everywhere
feature/ -> branched from develop (current, tag)
bugfix/  -> branched from release/latest or develop (current, tag)
release/ -> develop to master
hotfix/  -> branched from master

Flow Always using --showcommands to see what actual git commands are being executed. Read the output, sometimes you need to update a version or push a tag outside specific git flow commands.

Actions start finish publish track diff rebase checkout pull delete

Example Workflows:

  • New feature request is prioritized.

    • git flow feature start ${my-feature-name}
    • Complete development of the feature.
      • git add
      • git commit
    • Pull any updates from upstream
      • fetch --all, checkout develop, git pull?
      • git flow feature checkout ${my-feature-name}
      • git flow feature rebase
    • git flow feature publish ${my-feature-name}
    • Create pull request against develop, discuss, merge
    • git flow feature finish ${my-feature-name}
      • merges local feature branch into local develop
      • delete feature branch from local and origin
      • return to develop branch
  • Cut a new release

    • Make sure to refresh from origin
    • git flow release start ${release-version}
      • creates new release branch from develop
    • Bump the version number now!
    • git flow release publish ${release-version}
    • Create pull request against master, discuss, merge
    • git flow release finish ${release-version}
      • release is tagged
      • merged back into develop in case any changes since start
      • delete release branch from local and origin
      • return to develop branch
    • git push origin --tags


Lint bootstrap files with test/lint.sh

Build docker image with packer build test/packer.json

  • docker run --rm --name recuration-workstation-0 --interactive --tty --user b --workdir /home/b recuration-workstation:master /bin/bash
  • Pass --volume recuration:/home/b flag to create a persistent volume. Note that files are only copied from container to volume on first run when volume is created.

Test bootstrap.yaml locally with ansible-playbook --connection local --inventory localhost, --become --ask-become-pass bootstrap/bootstrap.yaml

Further reading

man stow

man git

man make


Created from cookiecutter template