This is the repository for Pump Pro Edits V3: Player Power. The website is at for now. It is called as such because the players can now directly contribute to how the website looks, feels, and behaves. You can now follow the source contributions to the website via Twitter: just follow "pumpproedits". This is a Symfony based project. More information can be found at if you are interested. While this is designed to be a standard project, minor configuration and setup is required to play around with this website on your own computer. 1) This project uses the Doctrine ORM plugin. If you are used to Propel, the switch shouldn't be that bad. 2) Those that have used Symfony before will realize that config/databases.yml is NOT included. This is done for security reasons. If you want to play around with the database, please set up your own local copy. Likewise, you will have to generate the SQL through doctrine:build-sql. 3) In the root of this project, remember to create the cache and log folders. Give 777 permissions to both of them. Windows users, you'll have to discover the equivalent commands on your own. 4) Some of the core data files, such as the edits and user information, are not included. Those have to be gotten separately. I do not know when, if ever, some of this data will be made public in the repository. As far as coding standards go, keep it legible. Using unicode/utf-8 is recommended, as anyone from around the world will be able to read and edit this code. Tabs versus spaces, where braces go, etc, is not something I care deeply about. The only exception to that rule is when dealing with the YAML files (yml). Those cannot have tabs for any reason. has more information. For the purposes of saving bandwidth, look into compressing the files you use. CSS has a compressor and decompressor at and respectively. Some limited caching has also been implemented on the page to try to cut down on bandwidth cost. If there is any other caching that can be implemented, please look into it. Try to use git's branching functionality when adding new features. The master branch should really only contain code that is guaranteed to run. Of course, mistakes happen, but try to be careful. Don't be afraid to use many different technologies either. Presently, this website uses an SVG based Edit Creator with hooks for AJAX, JSON, jQuery, and Twitter. Take advantage of what the web has to offer. If it is a standard technology implemented by many web browsers, go ahead. At this point, there is no hiding it: anyone that uses Internet Explorer just cannot get the proper experience at this time. The SVG technology is not guaranteed to work on IE whether by plugin or javascript or flash without a risk of breaking it for the other web browsers. Most of my pieces are presently left in the repository for anyone brave enough to make it work for IE and keep it working for the others. When IE 9 comes out of preview, I will have to find a way to give that a test on the website. If there are any questions, feel free to contact me. -- Jason "Wolfman2000" Felds
The [in]famous website that allows users to upload and download step edits for the arcade game Pump It Up Pro.