
Deploys ONTAP Simulator virtual machines


Deploys NetApp ONTAP Simulator (vsims) virtual appliances.


  • Requires the vsim-netapp-DOT{{ ovf_version }}-cm_nodar.ova virtual appliance downloaded from NetApp.com.
    Store the archive in either the role's files directory, or the playbook's files directory.

  • Requires the community.vmware ansible galaxy collection.

  • Requires pyvmoni.


ansible-galaxy role install -f -p ./roles git+https://github.com/madlabber/deploy_ovf_vsim.git,main

Role Variables

Variable Default/Example Comments
state present,absent present creates VMs, absent deletes them.
vm_name SimulateONTAP a valid VM name
vm_datastore datastore1 the VMware datastore where the node will be placed
data_network "VM Network" The vSphere portgroup used for ONTAP data and mgmt traffic
cluster_network "VM Network" The vSphere portgroup used the for ONTAP cluster network
vm_disk_provisioning "thin" Virtual Disk provisioning mode
vm_num_cpus "2" number of vCPUs to assign to the VM
vm_memory_mb "8192" amount of memory, in MB, to assign to the VM
vm_num_nics "4", 6, 8, 10 number of nics to create on the VM (4-10)
vcenter_address "vc.demo.lab" The hostname or IP address of the vCenter server
vcenter_username "administrator@vsphere.local" A vcenter username with rights to deploy the OVA
vcenter_password "ChangeMe2!" The password for the vcenter user
vcenter_datacenter "Datacenter 1" vCenter datacenter where the node will be deployed
ovf_version "9.9.1" The vsim OVF version
ovf_file default: "{{role_path}}/files/vsim-netapp-DOT{{ ovf_version }}-cm_nodar.ova"
sys_serial_number "4082368-50-7", "4034389-06-2" must match an available license key set.
nvram_sysid "4082368507" if omitted a random sysid will be used.
vdevinit "34:14:0,34:14:1" simulated disk configuration. see vars/main.yml for details
ontap_node_mgmt_ip "" If specified, node setup will be attempted.
ontap_netmask "" Subnet mask for the data network
ontap_gateway "" Gateway IP for the data network
ontap_cluster_mgmt_ip "" If specified, cluster setup will be attempted
ontap_cluster_name "democluster" ONTAP cluster name
ontap_password "netapp123" ONTAP admin password
ontap_dns_domain DNS domain
ontap_dns_server DNS Server on the data/mgmt network
ontap_location optional ONTAP SNMP location value used for cluster setup
add_nodes_by_serial "4034389-06-2" serial number of a node to add into the cluster
shelf0_disk_count "14" (1-14) Number of disks to create on shelf 0
shelf0_disk_size "4000" valid sizes are 500,1000,2000,4000, or 9000
shelf0_disk_type valid type from 'vsim_makedisks -h'. See defaults/main.yml for examples.
shelf1_disk_count "14" (1-14) Number of disks to create on shelf 1
shelf1_disk_size "4000" valid sizes are 500,1000,2000,4000, or 9000
shelf1_disk_type valid type from 'vsim_makedisks -h'. See defaults/main.yml for examples.
shelf2_disk_count "14" (1-14) Number of disks to create on shelf 2
shelf2_disk_size valid sizes are 500,1000,2000,4000, or 9000
shelf2_disk_type "23" valid type from 'vsim_makedisks -h'. See defaults/main.yml for examples.
shelf3_disk_count (1-14) Number of disks to create on shelf 3
shelf3_disk_size valid sizes are 500,1000,2000,4000, or 9000
shelf3_disk_type valid type from 'vsim_makedisks -h'. See defaults/main.yml for examples.
force False, True If true, existing VMs will be deleted and recreated
node_setup_delay 60 Seconds to wait before attempting node setup

Default Configuration(s)

This role does some adjustments to the default config from NetApp:

  • Default storage config:
    • Populating the first 2 shelfs, resulting in 28 total drives
    • Leveraging 4 GB FCAL style drives
  • Expanded aggr0 & vol0


Example Playbook

- hosts: localhost 
  name: Deploy a single node ONTAP Simulator cluster
  gather_facts: false
    vcenter_address:  vcenter.demo.lab
    vcenter_username: administrator@vsphere.local
    vcenter_password: ChangeMe2!
    vcenter_datacenter: "Datacenter"
    vcenter_cluster:    "Cluster1"
    - include_role: 
        name: deploy_ovf_vsim
        vm_name:               "vsim1-01"
        vm_datastore:          "datastore1"
        ontap_node_mgmt_ip:    ""
        ontap_netmask:         ""
        ontap_gateway:         ""
        ontap_cluster_name     "vsim1" 
        ontap_cluster_mgmt_ip: ""

- hosts: localhost 
  name: Deploy a single node ONTAP Simulator cluster with additional storage
  gather_facts: false
    vcenter_address:  vcenter.demo.lab
    vcenter_username: administrator@vsphere.local
    vcenter_password: ChangeMe2!
    vcenter_datacenter: "Datacenter"
    vcenter_cluster:    "Cluster1"
    - include_role: 
        name: deploy_ovf_vsim
        vm_name:               "vsim1-01"
        vm_datastore:          "datastore1"
        ontap_node_mgmt_ip:    ""
        ontap_netmask:         ""
        ontap_gateway:         ""
        ontap_cluster_name     "vsim1" 
        ontap_cluster_mgmt_ip: ""
        shelf0_disk_count:     14  
        shelf0_disk_size:      4000
        shelf0_disk_type:      31 
        shelf1_disk_count:     14  
        shelf1_disk_size:      4000
        shelf1_disk_type:      31
        shelf2_disk_count:     14  
        shelf2_disk_size:      4000
        shelf2_disk_type:      31
        shelf3_disk_count:     14  
        shelf3_disk_size:      4000
        shelf3_disk_type:      31  

- hosts: localhost 
  name: Deploy a 2-node ONTAP Simulator cluster
  gather_facts: false
    vcenter_address:  vcenter.demo.lab
    vcenter_username: administrator@vsphere.local
    vcenter_password: ChangeMe2!
    vcenter_datacenter: "Datacenter"
    vcenter_cluster:    "Cluster1"
    # Deploy the second node first
    - include_role: 
        name: deploy_ovf_vsim
        vm_name:            "vsim2-02"  
        vm_datastore:       "datastore1"
        data_network:       "VM Network"
        cluster_network:    "VM Network 2"
        sys_serial_number:  "4034389-06-2"
        ontap_node_mgmt_ip: ""  
        ontap_netmask:      ""
        ontap_gateway:      ""
    # Deploy the first node last
    - include_role: 
        name: deploy_ovf_vsim
        vm_name:               "vsim2-01"
        vm_datastore:          "datastore1"
        data_network:          "VM Network"
        cluster_network:       "VM Network 2"
        sys_serial_number:     "4082368-50-7"
        add_nodes_by_serial:   "4034389-06-2"
        ontap_node_mgmt_ip:    ""
        ontap_netmask:         ""
        ontap_gateway:         ""
        ontap_cluster_name     "vsim2" 
        ontap_password:        "netapp123"
        ontap_cluster_mgmt_ip: ""    


  • Reference either vsim_makedisks -h or table comment in defaults\main.yml to adjust type, size, & count of disks
  • Leverage both the data_network & cluster_network for creating a 2 node cluster
  • setup second node first to leverage add_nodes_by_serial
  • add_nodes_by_serial only supports adding 1 additional node

Author Information

Sean Hatfield