a simple header only generic graphics library (openGL and openGL es2.0) with a gui submodule (currently, Dear ImGUI)
- does not rely on glu (has own project and unproject)
- is context agnostic
- is self-contained math-wise (does not rely on glm)
- provides a simple scene graph model
- can be used stand alone or as a renderer in your own openGL projects
- has some helpful utilities for spatial coherence across multiple screens (see also cuttlefish project)
free to be for you and me. cobbled together by pablo colapinto, likely includes code from wesley smith, graham wakefield, lance putnam and other members of the allosphere research group . . . please credit these folk if you copy into your own project.
email: gmail -> wolftype
mkdir build cd build cmake .. make xEmpty
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../toolchains/your/toolchain/file ..
to optionally add compiler flags in a toolchain file (see for instance toolchains/rpi.cmake for cross-compilating to the raspberry pi) note that CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS cannot be set here, but must be set in the CMAKE file itself
xEmpty.cpp uses the gfx_app class wrapper. xCubeMap.cpp renders to a cubemap texture.
xGlut.cpp just makes a glut window xGlutRenderer.cpp shows how to inject a render pipeline into a glut context
Apps must inherit from the GFXApp class and define an onDraw() method and asetup() method.
The GFXAPP class is itself a RenderNode (it's onRender function calls onDraw). It has, as a member, the rendergraph to which rendernodes are attached. It attaches itself to this member on initialization.
As a RenderNode
GFXApp is templated on the windowing context, e.g. GLFWContext, and subscriibes to window and input events fromt the context's interface.
the GLFWContext
gfx_matrix.h: lightweight vec3fs and matrix multiplication gfx_scene.h: for model view matrix transforms gfx_mesh.h: for mesh data structures
gfx_vbo.h: simple wrapper around gl vertex buffer objects gfx_mbo.h: for mesh buffering to gpu (contains two vertex buffer and index buffer and mesh) gfx_fbo.h: simple wrapper around gl framebuffer objects gfx_vao.h: simple wrapper around gl vertex array objects gfx_vattrib.h: simple wrapper aroung gl vertex attributes gfx_texture.h: simple wrapper around gl texture2D
gfx_render.h: include this header for default configurations of immediate mode and advanced mode
Context Managers for EGL, Glut, GLFW