
Wiki.Net – An unofficial C# Wikipedia API

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Wiki.Net – An unofficial C# Wikipedia API


Searches Wikipedia (duh!) in multiple defined languages and returns (per result):

  • Title
  • Page ID
  • Word Count
  • Size (bytes?)
  • Text Preview
  • URL of page
  • Time of last edit

Getting Started


You can install via NuGet using the package manager command:

Install-Package Wiki.Net

You can also download the binaries from the releases.


string searchString = "Computer";
WikiSearchSettings searchSettings = new WikiSearchSettings
	{RequestId = "Request ID", ResultLimit = 5, ResultOffset = 2, Language = "en"};

WikiSearchResponse response = WikiSearcher.Search(searchString, searchSettings);

Console.WriteLine($"\nResults found ({searchString}):\n");
foreach (WikiSearchResult result in response.Query.SearchResults)
		$"\t{result.Title} ({result.WordCount} words, {result.Size} bytes, id {result.PageId}):\t{result.Preview}...\n\tAt {result.Url(searchSettings.Language)}\n\tLast edited at {result.LastEdited}\n");



Results found (Computer):

    Information technology (2836 words, 27146 bytes, id 36674345):  Information technology (IT) is the use of computers to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data, or information, often in the context of a business...
    At https://en.wikipedia.org/?curid=36674345
    Last edited at 24/10/2019 11:53:39 AM

    Computer graphics (computer science) (1632 words, 18720 bytes, id 18567168):    Computer graphics is a sub-field of Computer Science which studies methods for digitally synthesizing and manipulating visual content. Although the term...
    At https://en.wikipedia.org/?curid=18567168
    Last edited at 17/09/2019 12:21:21 AM

    Computer hardware (2479 words, 22776 bytes, id 21808348):       Computer hardware includes the physical, tangible parts or components of a computer, such as the cabinet, central processing unit, monitor, keyboard,...
    At https://en.wikipedia.org/?curid=21808348
    Last edited at 16/10/2019 4:00:29 PM

    *More results*

Upgrading from 2.x to 3.x

In 3.0, we simplified the namespace of Wiki.Net to WikiDotNet.

To upgrade from 2.x version of Wiki.Net to 3.x, you need to change all of the using CreepysinStudios.WikiDotNet to using WikiDotNet in your projects. The easiest way would just be to do a replace all in your entire solution.


EternalClickbait - Initial work - EternalClickbait

Voltstro - Current Maintainer / Initial Docs Writer - Voltstro


This project is licensed under the MIT license – see the LICENSE.md file for details.