
News feed pubsub pkg and CLI

Primary LanguageGo

Newsy [WIP]

A news aggregation service that puts the user back in control.

Newsy is a simple service that enables the aggregation of news from sources of the user's choosing. Articles from these sources can then be filtered by category for more focused consumption. No more fancy unseen algorithms deciding what news makes it into your feed.


Newsy provides an API that can be imported and used in your projects and a command-line application for interfacing with your personal newsfeed.

The following sub-sections provide a general description of the components, if you are looking for a more detailed documentation, it can be found in the Usage section below.

Newsy Service

The news service is in charge of managing the overall news system. It is responsible for:

  • Starting
    • Starting the service activates any saved state from the previous session as well as activating a process that will periodically update that state with current articles at an interval configured by the user.
  • Stopping
    • Stopping cancels all running processes and takes care of resource cleanup for the service. When the service is stopped it also saves the last state at the time of stopping.
  • Setting the State autosave frequency
  • Searching Article history
  • Error delivery and management
  • Saving State
    • The historical state of articles is saved in JSON format in a local file on the system. This also provides the user with the ability to search and access previously ingested articles.
  • Loading State
    • Any previouly saved state is loaded from the local JSON backup file at the time the service is started.


A user can subscribe to the news service via one or more categories of their choosing in order to receive news that is based in that category. The user can unsubscribe from a category at anytime. (Usage Docs)


A news Source can be added and removed at anytime and are also able to publish to any Category they wish to define at any interval they choose. (Usage Docs)


An Article represents a single story unit delivered by a Source to a Subscriber that is subscribed to its associated Category (Usage Docs)


A Category is a user-friendly classification describing the subject matter and topics found within its corresponding Article and is used to provide those stories to those that have subscribed to it. (Usage Docs)


A set of custom Errors has also been defined to provide more descriptive error messaging in the case that one is returned. (Usage Docs)


Go Install

Coming Soon

Source (via go get)

Coming Soon

Package Manager

Stretch Goal - Maybe Coming Soon :)


Newsy Service

type Newsy struct {
  cancel       context.CancelFunc
  errs         chan error
  stopped      bool
  stateFile    string
  saveInterval time.Time


func (n *Newsy) Start(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {}

Newsy.Start starts up the news service along with any required processes and loads your previous state from the Newsy.stateFile if any previous state exists. Once the service is started snapshots of the existing service state are saved to Newsy.stateFile at an interval defined by Newsy.SaveInterval().


func (n *Newsy) Stop() {}

Newsy.Stop stops the news service along with canceling all running processes. As part of the stopping process, the services existing state is saved to the Newsy.stateFile and all other running processes are signaled to cleanup or cleaned up by the main Newsy service itself.

Once Newsy is stopped any further interaction with it from other components of the program will trigger an ErrNewsyServiceStopped error.


func (n *Newsy) SaveInterval(t time.Time) {}

Newsy.SaveInterval takes a Time value for the frequency which the service's state should be auto-saved to the file defined by Newsy.stateFile. It also sets that value for the Newsy.saveInterval field.

func (n *Newsy) Search(categories ...Category, ids ...ArticleId) (Articles, error) {}

Newsy.Search takes one or more Categories along with one or more ArticleIds and searches the news service history for any matching Articles.


func (n *Newsy) Errors() []error {}

Newsy.Errors provides insight into existing errors within the service.


func (n *Newsy) saveState() {}

Newsy.saveState saves the current state of the news service in JSON format to the file defined by Newsy.stateFile. It is utilized by both the auto-save functionality as well as the state saving process that occurs when Newsy.Stop is called.


func (n *Newsy) loadState() {}

Newsy.loadState takes the JSON state file defined by Newsy.stateFile and loads it into the news service. This takes place at the time the service is started via Newsy.Start.


Equivialant to a "user"?

  • If Yes does that mean it is the same as the "end user" that can stop the Newsy service?
  • If No how does it differ? Does the end user somehow become a "Subscriber" by subscribing to a category through the Newsy service

Operating under the assumption that a User subscribes to categories to become a "Subscriber"

Subscriber.Subscribe(categories ...categories)

Subscriber.Unsubscribe(categories ...categories)


type NewsSource interface {

// NOTE: Do I want to sub categorize different source types? (eg. FileSource / WebSource / RssSource)
type Source struct {
  name     string
  location string
  schedule time.Time
  articles Articles


TODO: Sort out the proper method signature

func (s NewsSource) Publish() {}

Source.Publish() distributes the Source's new Articles for Newsy to distribute to the proper Subscribers


(Not quite sure if this will be needed)

TODO: Sort out the proper method signature

func (s NewsSource) Schedule() {}

Source.Schedule() provides the frequency/interval at which the Source regularly publishes its Articles


type articleId int

type Article struct {
  id         articleId
  title      string
  author     string
  content    string
  categories Categories
  source     Source

type Articles []Article


type Category string

type Categories []Category

Category is a string that is used to define the Category of an Article


type CategoryArticles map[Category]Articles

CategoryArticles is a map that uses a Category as a key and returns associated Articles

Errors (WIP)

These are the initial errors I can assume will be implemented. As the program is built out more may be required and/or these existing Error's may need modification


type ErrInvalidSource string

ErrInvalidSource is returned when the news Source is invalid due to an incorrect definition


type ErrInvalidArticle string

ErrInvalidArticle is returned when an Article is invalid due to an invalid attribute/field


type ErrInvalidCategory string

ErrInvalidCategory is returned when a Category is created with an incorrect type


type ErrNewsyServiceStopped struct{}

ErrNewsyServiceStopped is returned if a Newsy component attempts to interact with it after it has been stopped


Coming Soon...


After cloning the repository, tests can be run with the following:

go test ./... -v -cover -race