

Primary LanguageJavaScript


current version 0.0.2

The BinTree mode is not available now : )


This is a beta version of Graph or Topology visualization tools which can help you draw networks quickly. You can click here to visit the online demo.

Here is a shortcut of the framework:



The toolbar is located on the top of the screen. So far there has 5 buttons.

  • SELECT: the default mode, in which you can drag the node on the canvas to update their positions.
  • DELNODE: in this mode you can click on the node on the canvas to delete a node. Note that all the line linked to the node will be deleted automtically.
  • ADDNODE: in this mode you can add a node on the canvas by click on a flat region.
  • GRAPH: in this mode you can click on a node and then click on the other node to make a connection between the two nodes.
  • BINTREE: not available so far.

Setting values / weights

Right click on the node or edge to set the value / weight.


The current version is just the simplest tools with which you can add/delete nodes and add edges. What's more, the adjacency list will generate automatically.

In the future, some of the functions will be developed:

  • Better user interface
  • More basic settings
  • Basic graph algorithms visualization
    • Shortest path: Dijkstra, Floyd
    • Minimum spanning tree: Prim, Kruskal
  • Binary tree visualization

Development Logs

  • version 0.0.1

    2018-08: Basic drawing functions

  • version 0.0.2 (the current version)

    2020-01: Provide more function for drawing graph:

    • Edges in the graph can be weighted.
    • Add the adjacency list modules. (TO BE OPTIMIZATION)
    • Make the interface more user-friendly.

Author Information

Howard Wonanut, a graduate student in Xi'an Jiaotong University, Shaanxi, China.