Template to start Python project with team members

1. Make a repository

  • README.md
  • .gitignore

2. Code style/format in the process of pre-commit

  • .pre-commit-config.yaml

    • pre-commit-hooks
    • pyupgrade
    • isort
    • yapf
    • black
    • mdformat
    • autoflake
    • flake8
    • codespell
    • docformatter
  • Apply .pre-commit-config.yaml

    pip install pre-commit
    pre-commit install

    Then, pre-commit-config configuration will be defined in .git

Codes defined and already pushed into the repository before setting pre-commit will not be considered!!!

3. unit tests

  • Install

    pip install pytest
    pip install coverage pytest-cov
  • Execute

    pytest --cov

4. Settings for a package

  • project folder with __init__.py including __version__
  • requirements.txt
  • setup.py / setup.cfg

To distribute/deploy a package

5. Docs


  • Install

    pip install mkdocs
  • Start mkdocs

    mkdocs new .

    or you can make mkdocs on each project fodler using mkdocs new <project folder>

  • Select theme in the mkdocs.yml, you can define theme like the below:

    name: 'material'

    Or, you can use ReadtheDocs theme by pip install mkdocs-rtd-dropdown and then,

        name: 'material'
  • Add each module's page in docs in the docs/<page name>.md, add the below

    ::: project.src.calculator

    Then, the docstrings written in the project/src/calculator.py will be displayed in the mkdocs page.

    Then, add that page in the nav in mkdocs.yml,

      - main: index.md
      - project: project.md
      - calculation: calculation.md

    This will be displayed in the side-bar

  • Serve locally

    mkdocs serve

    Then, access to or https://localhost:8000

  • Deploy MKDocs pages in the github

    mkdocs gh-deploy

    Then, you can see the mkdocs pages at https://<github ID>.github.io/<repository name>
