
Generate self signed ssl certificates with your own root CA certificate

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Self Signed Certificates

Generate self signed ssl certificates with your own root CA certificate

This project provides some scripts to setup a root CA to sign single domain or multi-domain (wildcard) certificates.

  • root_ca.sh : creates root CA certificate
  • site.sh : creates single-domain certificate
  • star.sh : creates multi-domain certificate


  • openssl ~= (OpenSSL 1.0.2g 1 Mar 2016)


root CA

  1. Edit [req_distinguished_name] in root_ca.ini to match your needs. Check man req for information on fields.
  2. Run ./root_ca.sh

single domain

  1. Edit [req_distinguished_name] in site.ini to match your needs. Check man req for information on fields.
  2. Change domain in site.ini. You need to change CN = <host> as well as entry in subjectAltName = DNS:<host>
  3. Run ./site.sh

multi domain (wildcard)

  1. Edit [req_distinguished_name] in star.ini to match your needs. Check man req for information on fields.
  2. Change domain in star.ini. You need to change CN = <host> as well as entries in [alt_names] to match your sub-domains.
  3. Run ./star.sh


  1. Import root_ca.crt in Browser and/or OS:
    • Chrome : Type in Url "chrome://settings/certificates" > Tab:Authorities > Button:Import > Select root_ca.crt > Trust this cert for indent. websites Use "chrome://flags/#show-cert-link" to see certificate details from Url-Pane.
    • Firefox : Type in Url "about:preferences#privacy" > Section:Certificates > Button:View Certificates > Tab:Authorities > Button:Import... > Select root_ca.crt > Trust this cert for indent. websites
    • macOS : Double click on root_ca.crt > Keychain opens > Choose Keychain: System > Button:Add Select in Tab:Keychains System and double-click on AA Certification cert. Fold:Trust > Change:When using this certificate:Always Trust.
    • Ubunutu :
      sudo cp root_ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates
      sudo update-ca-certificates
  2. Add some entries in your /etc/hosts file. E.g.:    aa.aa    one.aa.aa    two.test.aa
  3. Get node.
  4. Start HTTPS server with:
    1. node test/https.js site for single site
    2. Browse https://aa.aa:8443
    3. node test/https.js star for multi domain
    4. Browse https://aa.aa:8443
    5. Browse https://one.aa.aa:8443
    6. Browse https://two.test.aa:8443
    7. Browse https://localhost:8443
