
Collection of tools to visualize AWS account.

Primary LanguageShell

AWS Account Cloud9 Visualizer

Collection of tools to visualize AWS account.

In Cloud9 Terminal

git clone https://github.com/wongcyrus/aws-account-cloud9-visualizer
cd aws-account-cloud9-visualizer

To generate visualizations in your default region


To generate visualizations in specific regions

./generate_visual.sh -r ap-northeast-1,us-east-1

To generate visualizations for all regions

./generate_visual_global.sh -r ap-northeast-1,us-east-1

To remove previous results


Account Visualization will be saved in data folder and you can use Preview->Preview Running Application to review the Network visualizations of CloudMapper. Right click navigator.html -> Preview to open aws-security-viz and you need to load aws.json by copy and paste.

For more details:

How to visualize your AWS Account with AWS Cloud9?