
HTML 5, CSS3, jQuery - Static Website

Primary LanguageCSS

##Aloha Website Overview

This is a static website with a mobile first approach. Media queries were added for phone, tablet and desktop.

Additional implementations included turning css into sass and using Gulp to compile, minify and add vendor prefix’s for the project.

####Technical Goals The goal of the project was to write semantically correct html, write well organized and efficient css, and successfully implement multiple jQuery requirements.

####Visual Goals We were given design comps with typography, color, and structural requirents. The goal was to style the project as close as possible to the design requirments.

##Design comps

Alt text

##Project Reflections:

This project touched on a number of fundamental skills for Front-End Development. We learned how to integrate a JQuery plugin, use jQuery for interactivity, how to properly incorporate accessibility and new CSS3 layout properties like Flexbox.

####Project Highlights:

  1. Mobile first approach
  2. Removal of all floats and replaced them with Flexbox
  3. jQuery - smooth scroll, email validation/alert popup, add to cart clicker
  4. jQuery slider - Flickity Slider
  5. Flexbox grid with proportional box sizing with responsive design
  6. Added accessibility
