
Code and website for the paper "An Additive Decomposition in Logarithmic Towers and Beyond."

Primary LanguageMathematica

We consider the additive decomposition problem in primitive towers and present an algorithm to decompose a function in a certain kind of primitive tower which we call S-primitive, as a sum of a derivative in the tower and a remainder which is minimal in some sense. Special instances of S-primitive towers include differential fields generated by finitely many logarithmic functions and logarithmic integrals. A function in an S-primitive tower is integrable in the tower if and only if the remainder is equal to zero. The additive decomposition is achieved by viewing our towers not as a traditional chain of extension fields, but rather as a direct sum of certain subrings. Furthermore, we can determine whether or not a function in an S-primitive tower has an elementary integral without the need to deal with differential equations explicitly. We also show that any logarithmic tower can be embedded into a particular extension where we can further decompose the given function. The extension is constructed using only differential field operations without introducing any new constants.


  • Hao Du, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

    • Contact: duhao@amss.ac.cn
    • Previously at: Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
  • Jing Guo

    • Previously at: Chinese Academy of Sciences, KLMM
  • Ziming Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences, KLMM

  • Elaine Wong, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

    • Contact: wongey@ornl.gov
    • Previously at: Austrian Academy of Sciences, RICAM


  • This paper has been accepted to ISSAC 2020 with assigned DOI for the corresponding proceedings.

  • The preprint can be found at arXiv:2002.02355.

  • A more recent preprint can be found as a RICAM Report.

  • The appendix to our paper is here. The references here.

  • Cite our paper by using this bib.

Package Download

  • The Mathematica package AdditiveDecomposition.m (Version 0.2) is available for download.

  • The Mathematica notebook AdditiveDecomposition_Examples.nb contains some examples, including this collection, that illustrate the use of package (requires that the package and example file be stored in the same directory as the notebook).

  • For those without a Mathematica installation, we offer a pdf version of the example notebook for convenience.

Followup Work