
Makes use of data from sgpokemap.com.sg to alert you of Pokemon nearby.

Primary LanguagePython


Makes use of data from sgpokemap.com.sg to alert you of Pokemon nearby. This script is suitable for a Ubuntu machine running in your house so that you can make it say what pokemon is nearby.

Tested only on Ubuntu 14.04 with Python 2.7.6. On other environments, the requests module for python will behave differently.

Step 1

Install this first. It is for the audio alert when there is a pokemon. You can use other text-to-speech packages if you like, but you will have to edit the code. You can use espeak, it pronounces pokemon names better.

sudo apt-get install gnustep-gui-runtime

Step 2

Next open up the poke_map.py file with your favourite editor and edit the latitude and longitude values to your own location. You can adjust the range (in metres) too.

Step 3

To run:

python poke_map.py
# Ensure that list_of_pokemon.json is in the same directory.

Step 4

Use Ubuntu's crontab to run this periodically and you have yourself a pokemon alert for your house. Insert this into your crontab, this will make the script run every 3 minutes from 10am to 10pm.

*/3 10-21 * * * python ~/Desktop/static_pokemon_go_alert/poke_map.py