
Git Notion integration

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Markdown file synchronization

Syncs Gitlab markdown files to Notion.

The scripts are modified based on the git-notion repository. It makes use of the md2notion module, which relies on the unofficial Notion API for Python (i.e. https://www.notion.so/api/v3 where login info is not needed).


  • Creating nested pages according to the folder hierarchy
  • Giving an option to rewrite or append the content to the pages


cd git-notion
pip install -e .


To import the markdown files to a subpage in Notion, you need to edit the limit parameter in notion-py library according to this.


NOTION_TOKEN_V2 - Can be found in your browser cookies for the Notion page. NOTION_ROOT_PAGE - URL for notion page. Repo docs will be a new page under this page. NOTION_IGNORE_REGEX - Regex for paths to ignore.

These environment variables can be set.

export NOTION_ROOT_PAGE="https://www.notion.so/..."  # Can be in setup.cfg as well
export NOTION_IGNORE_REGEX="models/.*"               # Can be in setup.cfg as well

These parameters can be set in the setup.cfg for the repo.

ignore_regex = models/.*
notion_root_page = https://www.notion.so/...


# To upload your current directory

# To upload another directory
git-notion --dir path/to/your/repo


Issue could happen when uploading the files (images, pdfs, ...) since Notion API does not support file uploading, and we need to use cloud services as intermediate transmission, while there might be errors due to its request limit.

Pushing to PYPI

bumpversion patch   # Look-up bumpversion
rm -rf dist/
python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
python3 -m twine upload dist/*