
Python wrapper for Point Grey Research's FlyCapture2 C API

Primary LanguagePython


Python wrapper for Point Grey Research's FlyCapture2 C API


pyfly2 slowly coming together, a lot slower than I want, but getting there.

Note: This module is for Python2 and hasn't yet been updated to work with Python3.


This wrapper is currently under development.

What works:
  • Creating flycapture2 context
  • Creating single camera object and enabling capture mode
  • Grabbing frames
  • A few simple demos:
    • Scriptable frame grab
    • "Live preview" GUI with frame grab
What still needs to be done:
  • Robustness (USB3 driver seems picky about shutting down the context. This is a drag when debugging new features)
  • Illustrate using multiple cores to enhance image pipeline using ZeroMQ


  • python
  • cython
  • Point Grey FlyCapture 2 SDK


  1. Install the FlyCapture2 SDK
  2. Edit setup.py and point FLYCAPTURESDK to the root of the SDK
  3. From the FlyCapture2 SDK tree, copy these files to the package directory:
    • FlyCapture2_Cd_v90.dll
    • FlyCapture2d_v90.dll
    • libiomp5md.dll
  4. python setup.py build_ext --inplace



  1. Keith Brafford, 2014