
Bootsygen is a simple application design documentation framework that melds the Bootstrap front-end framework with documentation written in Markdown and HTML to beautifully display software design

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bootsygen is a simple application design documentation framework that melds the Bootstrap front-end framework with documentation written in Markdown and HTML to beautifully display software design. It uses Markdown syntax as well as additional quick-to-use macros for those inconveniently long syntax. You can easily transform existing markdown documentation into Bootsygen-styled documentation.


  1. Create a directory to hold your Markdown and configuration files. All .md files will be parsed in this folder will be parsed.
  2. Write your documentation and save as PageTitle.md. See Pages for more details.
  3. While in the directory you created, run command
php path/to/builder.php config

this commmand generates the configuration file, config.php. 4. Open config.php and make the appropriate changes. 5. While in the directory you created, run command

php path/to/builder.php

this command will build the page

##Page Each page follows the following format

#my category (mandatory)
#my description (optional)
content goes here

The category is used to set the Navbar, while the description will appear on the main page as a small blurb as well as the top of the page itself.

The page content may contain markdown, HTML, javascript, anything. There are also a few macros available. There are two mandatory sectiontitles: title and category. Title is the page title and category is the category to be listed under on the navbar. Category navbar ordering is set in config.php. There is also the description sectiontitle which will display in index.html as well as the top of the page. The sectiontitle summary may be used in the same fashion as description except it will not be placed on the main page.

##Page Macros Page macros were created because it's too ugly to have a lot of HTML code in the contents section. Macros are written in the following fashion


Note that the macro must be on its own line. Each macro has its own specified parameters. The list of macros available are listed below.

Macro Name Parameters
IMG image href image alt

##Debugging Any errors that may occur will be logged in the file log.out