
A light-weight framework that combines mainstream algorithms of Click-Through-Rate Based Machine Learning and Deep Learning.

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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LightCTR Overview

LightCTR is a light-weight framework that combines mainstream algorithms of Click-Through-Rate Based Machine Learning and Deep Learning. The library is suitable for sparse data and designed for Stand-alone Multi-threaded Model Training.

Meanwhile, LightCTR is also a open source project that oriented to code readers. The clear execute logic will be of significance to leaners on Machine-Learning-related field.


群体发现作为点击率预估中用户画像的重要指标之一,LightCTR提供了相关的算法支持。可将离散id特征与连续特征组合输入LightCTR::GBM预先找群体,训练得到的每个叶子节点代表一个用户群,再使用LightCTR::LRLightCTR::MLP对GBDT建立的低维0/1群体特征做高层分类。 当id特征过多使输入成为高维稀疏数据,便不再适合树模型,可通过LightCTR::FM将每个单个群体映射在低维空间中,向量内积即表示特征交叉的权重。FM相比LR引入一定的非线性,降低了数据稀疏下的过拟合的风险,或更进一步采用LightCTR::NFM结合DNN进行高维特征组合,达到更好的效果。




LightCTR可通过分析用户评论、兴趣得到推荐信息,作为点击率预估的参考。可使用LightCTR::Embedding预先训练含语意特征的词向量表,将切分后的词向量文本按时序输入LightCTR::Attention_LSTM训练得到句子的情感倾向,并在Attention层获得每个词对分类结果的重要性。 另一种方案是将由文本词向量构成的矩阵,输入卷积神经网络LightCTR::CNN用于提取句子局部相关性特征作为文本分类依据。当文本缺乏分类标签时,可使用LightCTR::PLSA无监督的获取文章主题分布,作为是否向用户推荐此文章的依据。



List of Implemented Algorithms

  • Factorization Machine
  • Wide&Deep Neural Factorization Machine
  • Gradient Boosting Tree Model
  • Gaussian Mixture Clustering Model
  • Topic Model PLSA
  • Embedding Model
  • Multi-Layer Perception
  • Convolution Neural Network
  • Attention-based Recurrent Neural Network
  • Variational AutoEncoder


  • Optimizer implemented by Mini-Batch GD, Negative sampling, Adagrad, FTRL
  • Regularization: L1, L2, Dropout, Partially connected
  • Template-customized Activation and Loss function
  • Evaluate methods including F1, AUC
  • Multi-threaded training and Vectorized compiling

Quick Start

  • LightCTR depends on C++11 only
  • Change configuration (e.g. Learning Rate) in main.cpp
  • Build by Make and Debug by Xcode

Welcome to Contribute

  • Welcome everyone interested in machine learning or distributed system to contribute code, create issues or pull requests of new features.
  • LightCTR is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
