
breaking incident management chat bot

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Breaking Bot

Breaking Bot Logo

Breaking Bot is a chat bot for coordinating responses to "breaking incidents". It is built on RDBMS-backed data flows, a clean business core, and, at present, chat responsiveness through the Hubot framework.

Tumblr built the bot as bb8 many moons ago. WordPress VIP retuned the bot. And Automattic open sourced it.


This particular fork of Breaking Bot is for WooCommerce. WooCommerce has a slightly different incident management process than WordPress VIP, and a slightly different Slack channel structure.


Breaking Bot is composed of the following major pieces:

We use RDBMS backing because it's great. We use finite state machines in our core to contain the inherent, non-trivial, stateful complexity in incidents. We isolate business logic as much as we can into functions without side effects in the core. And we push our I/O concerns to the boundary layer.

Comm Platform, at present, is entwined with Hubot and Slack specifically. But we likely detangle all that in the long run. Issue Trackers and Report Platforms are simply interfaces. Anything implemented to their requirements will work in those roles.


Create a .env file

Copy .env.example file to .env. This file will be read by docker-compose.yml and will override the defaults there.

cp .env.example .env

Create a test Slack workspace

You will need to be an owner of this workspace so that you have the required permissions. A workspace dedicated to bot development is ideal so that you aren't worried about noise or things going wrong.

  1. Create a new workspace on slack.com.
  2. Create a main channel for Breaking Bot in Slack, eg: #breaking-test.
  3. Copy the channel ID and provide it in your devConfig file as breakingMainRoom.
  4. Optionally, repeat steps 2 and 3 and set a breakingNotifyRoom if you would like Breaking Bot to drop important notifications somewhere other than the breakingMainRoom.

FYI, the workspace's dashboard is available via Settings & administration > Workspace settings.

Create a Slack app

  1. Create a Slack app using this app manifest.
  2. Install the app to your test workspace.
  3. Navigate to Settings -> Basic Information, generate, and copy an app token with connections:write scope in the App-Level Tokens section. Provide it to your .env file as SLACK_APP_TOKEN.
  4. Navigate to Settings -> Install App and copy the Bot User OAuth Token. Provide it to your .env file as SLACK_BOT_TOKEN. Make sure the app is installed to your workspace in this section too.

Dev Feedback Loop

Install dependencies:

npm ci

Start the local environment with:

docker-compose up

If your configuration is correct, you will see INFO level logging of Now connected to Slack when the bot is ready to accept commands in your test Slack instance.

When you make changes to code, the bot will restart automatically (via ts-watch). Note that changes to .env or docker-compose.yml are an exception and will require you to docker-compose stop and start.


To see all the HTTP requests being made, and crank up logger level with the following environment variables in .env and restart docker-compose.




npm run test:watch

Single run:

npm test