
Package for TLS

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Functional Package for TLS

Master Badges Build Validate

Last QuickBuilt Branch Validation SanityChecks SpellCheck TD QuickBuild Transforms Version

This repository hosts the draft version of the Functional Package for TLS based on the Essential Security Requirements (ESR) for products which implement this technology. This repository is used to facilitate collaboration and development on the draft document. See the release section if you are looking for the officially released version for evaluations.

Draft Version

Release Version


If you are interested in contributing directly to future versions the this Functional Package, please consider joining the NIAP technical community.


Questions, comments, and fixes can be submitted to the repository issue tracker


To clone this project along with its transforms submodule run:

  git clone --recursive https://github.com/commoncriteria/tls.git

To pull updates from the upstream transforms submodule and commit them run:

 git submodule update --remote transforms
 git add transforms
 git commit

Development Info

Help working with Transforms Submodule

Repository Content

  • input - Contains the 'meat' of the project. It's the input content (in XML form) that gets transformed to readable html.
  • output - The output directory where the html is placed after transformation.
  • output/images - The directory where images are stored
  • transforms - Points to the transform subproject which is really a repository for resources shared amongst many Common Criteria projects.



See License