Python package for calculating reference/potential evapotranspiration (ETo).
- 5
#6 opened by sumeshsheoran - 0
Net outgoing longwave radiation requires solar_rad but no function exists by the name solar+rad
#17 opened by muddasirshah - 4
PyETo is missing from PyPI
#3 opened by SHuizer - 3
pyeto install ERROR
#13 opened by divyadeySk - 1
- 0
PET using xarray
#11 opened by SouhailAB - 1
No module named pyeto
#8 opened - 2
Missing function
#7 opened by Dan-in-CA - 2
Is there any provision to calculate ET for another crops if we know the crop coefficient data?
#5 opened by kothawadegs - 2
Installing problems
#4 opened by hugo-pires - 2
eto.py or PyETo?
#2 opened by hplato