=== PromptPay === Contributors: jojoee Donate link: Tags: payment, PromptPay, qrcode, woocommerce Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 5.4.2 Stable tag: 4.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html == Description == PromptPay integration for WordPress, contract creator if any Features: * Shortcode * Support all Thai banks * Support all themes * Support all layouts / devices * Integration with BACS WooCommerce * No tracking Compatible with all browsers: * [Google Chrome](https://www.google.com/chrome/) 19+ * [Mozilla Firefox](https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/) 3.6+ * [Safari](http://www.apple.com/safari/) 3+ * [Internet Explorer](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/internet-explorer.aspx) 9+ * [Opera](http://www.opera.com/) 10+ == Installation == 1. Install the plugin via admin plguins screen or download and upload this plugin into `wp-content/plugins` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the **Plugins** menu in WordPress 3. Setup plugin via `Settings > PromptPay` == Frequently Asked Questions == = How to use it = activate the plugin on your plugin dashboard (`/wp-admin/plugins.php`) == Screenshots == 1. Shortcode (screenshot-1.jpg) 2. WooCommerce (screenshot-2.jpg) == Upgrade Notice == Not available == Changelog == = 1.2.2 (17 Jun 2018) = * Support "id" attribute for Shortcode * Support "amount" attribute for Shortcode = 1.2.0 (13 Sep 2017) = * Integration with BACS WooCommerce = 1.1.0 (13 Sep 2017) = * Add more options = 1.0.0 (07 Sep 2017) = * First release == TODO == * [ ] Update screenshot * [x] Integration with BACS WooCommerce * [x] Option: promptpay id * [ ] Option: amount * [x] Option: show promptpay logo * [x] Option: show promptpay id * [x] Option: account name * [x] Option: shop name * [x] Option: card style * [x] Option: integration with WooCommerce * [x] Shortcode * [x] Shortcode: amount * [x] Shortcode: promptpay id * [ ] Shortcode: show promptpay logo * [ ] Shortcode: show promptpay id * [ ] Shortcode: account name * [ ] Shortcode: shop name * [ ] Shortcode: 3 card styles * [ ] Shortcode: bank logo * [ ] Shortcode: customer logo * [ ] Pre-fill total (amount) on order-received page (WooCommerce) * [ ] Create demo shortcode page * [ ] Localization: Thai * [ ] Live preview Shortcode on admin page * [ ] Live preview: debounce when it's changed * [ ] Live preview: live validate * [ ] Support on IE 7-8 * [ ] Unit test: PHP * [ ] Unit test: Javascript * [ ] E2E test == Notes (dev) == * [WordPress Coding Standards](https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Coding_Standards) * 2 spaces for indent * [Repository on Github](https://github.com/woodpeckerr/promptpay) * `yarn build.watch` to dev * `yarn build.prod && yarn zip` to build package = Thank you = * [WordPress Plugin readme.txt Validator](https://wordpress.org/plugins/about/validator/) * [Autoprefixer CSS online](https://autoprefixer.github.io/) * [PHP code syntax check](https://www.piliapp.com/php-syntax-check/) * [dtinth/promptpay-qr](https://github.com/dtinth/promptpay-qr) * Image and design from [Digio Merchant QR Generator](https://qr-generator.digio.co.th/)