
This tool is to operate and manage multiple Gala Games(GALA) nodes including Founders, TownStar and Music nodes.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This is an image
This tool is to operate and manage multiple Gala Games(GALA) nodes including Founders, TownStar and Music nodes. It's focused on managing multiple nodes.


Stage 1

  • Add & remove nodes lists
  • Config monitoring and notification settings
  • Regular updating nodes stats
  • Notify error state
  • Remote commands(stats, restart nodes, reboot OS, etc)

Stage 2

  • Restart nodes or reboot OS when it meets specific conditions.
  • Save encrypted username and password of nodes(currently saved in plain text)
  • Collect nodes resources(CPU, memory, network bandwith, etc.)

Stage 3

  • Built-in Web UI to control nodes and check events history
  • Discord Bot to control your nodes by customized discord commands

Configuration (config/config.json)

It's common settings on all nodes.

    "settings" : {
        "webhookurl": "your webhook url",
        "monitorinterval" : 90,
        "regularreportinterval" : 3600,
        "discordnotifysnooze" : 600,
        "errortolerance" : {
            "Count" : 3,
            "Command" : "sudo reboot"
  • webhookurl : the webhook url which you want to notify nodes errors. This is an image
  • monitorinterval : executes "gala-node stats" every monitorinterval seconds on registered servers.
  • regularreportinterval : notify nodes state every regularreportinterval seconds.
    This is an image
  • discordnotifysnooze : snooze discord notification for discordnotifysnooze seconds once it's done.
  • errortolerance
    • Count : notify discord when an error occurs errortolerance times in a row.
    • Command : run a custom command("sudo reboot") when an error occurs errortolerance times in a row.


   "servers" : [
           "name" : "server name",
           "address" : "your server address",
           "port" : 22,
           "username" : "ubuntu",
           "password" : "your password",
           "privatekeypath" : "",
           "nodes" : ["founders", "townstar"]
  • name : alias
  • address : server ip address
  • port : SSH port
  • username : user name for SSH
  • privatekeypath : the path of a key pair, consisting of a public key and a private key, is a set of security credentials
  • nodes : nodes lists to monitor. If you run only TownStar node, set only "townstar". Currently supporting founders and townstar nodes.

Command lists

  • help : prints available command lists.
  • discord : discord webhook test.
  • nodes : prints the current status of nodes.
  • find [key] : find nodes which have a key in name, address, machine ID.
  • save : output nodes information to output.csv.
  • cls : clear screen
  • stats : run "gala-node stats" on all nodes.
  • restart [index|address] : run "sudo systemctl restart gala-node" on a gala node or all nodes. The index is non zero based in nodes commands.
  • reboot [index|address|all] : reboot operating system of a node or all nodes. The index is non zero based. The index is non zero based in nodes commands.
  • exit : exit program.


GalaNodes Monitor is provided under the MIT License.

