
OX Node 우분투 실행 방법

OX-Node Application

🚀 Dive into the OX-NODE app – your gateway to managing and operating OX-NODEs! Earn $isOXOA rewards while seamlessly overseeing your nodes' performance.

🔑 First things first, snag your OX-NODE keys at https://node.oxoa.games to launch your nodes into action!

💻 Hardware Requirements:

  • 2 GB RAM
  • 2 CPU Cores
  • 40 GB Disk Space
  • x86/X64 Processor
  • Stable Internet Connection

🌐 The OX-Node software is your go-to for Windows Desktop, Mac (coming soon), and Linux (64-bit recommended). The app even supports ARM Processors like Apple M1/M2 chips (coming soon).

📈 As you expand your node empire with more keys, anticipate adjustments in hardware requirements. The system's scalability allows for dozens of keys on a single machine, with potential for even more.

🔗 Dive into the future of node management with OX-NODE app – where rewards meet seamless operation! #OXOANetwork #OXNODE #NodeManagement 🚀💻

Node Guide

Download putty preferably 64bit at https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html

Open putty Login as root user using your password

Copy and paste the below commands Adding node user

adduser oxuser

Giving sudo permission

usermod -aG sudo oxuser && usermod -aG adm oxuser && su oxuser

Updating dependencies

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Installing Ubuntu Desktop - process will take 10 minutes

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop firefox stacer mmv -y

Instaling snap(Optional)

sudo snap install snap-store

Downloading GUI installer for interface configurations

cd ~ && wget https://www.c-nergy.be/downloads/xRDP/xrdp-installer-1.4.zip

Checking the .zip file

unzip xrdp-installer-1.4.zip && less xrdp-installer-1.4.sh
press q to quit the viewer

Installing GUI interface

chmod +x  xrdp-installer-1.4.sh && ./xrdp-installer-1.4.sh

Choose only ubuntu number like 3


Changing the port access for security purpose to avoid common ports

sudo sed -i 's/3389/53579/g' /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini

Closing port 22 to avoid bruteforce attacks

sudo sed -i 's/#Port 22/Port 53572/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Opening ssh connection to ports

sudo ufw allow 53572 && sudo ufw allow 53579 && sudo ufw enable && sudo ufw status numbered

Rebooting the system

sudo reboot

reconnect via SSH port 53572 using oxuser

To lock the root user for security purpose, If you are running another node on root user kindly avoid this step

sudo passwd --delete --lock root

Optional step, just to make sure

sudo reboot

Login using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) available on all windows with ip and port 53579 Ex:

Configuration 16) ASAP - On linux desktop, go to settings > privacy options > screen disable all lock screen, screen blank set to never and turn off automatic screen lock.

Truning on networking protocols

Open Terminal Application :

sudo apt update && upgrade

Type Y

Setting Network configurations

cd /etc/netplan && sudo mmv '*.yaml' '#1.moved-for-youtube' && ls -la

Installing networking feature

sudo wget https://cloudtechlinks.com/V23-cloudtech-dot-yaml  --output-document=v23-cloudtech.yaml && ls -la && cat v23-cloudtech.yaml
sudo reboot

Install OXOA node

open firefox app paste the url in search bar


Click "View Raw"

It will download the app image

Then, Open terminal follow the below commands

cd Downloads

Making AppImage Executable

chmod +x OXNodeApp-Linux-4.6.1.AppImage

Starting Node to run indefinitely even when close the desktop

nohup ./OXNodeApp-Linux-4.6.1.AppImage &

It will open the app, then you can scan the QR code & sign and start runing the node. Don't close the terminal, You can close the session window.