
Firebase docset for Dash.app (http://kapeli.com/dash)

Primary LanguageHTML

Firebase Docset

Firebase Docset for Dash.app work offline and quick explore.

I build the docset to help me to work with firebase web SDK. This time only firebase web SDK reference included.

If you want more, please follow the HOWTO section to build your own.

How to build firebase docset

Follow example I demonstrate how I build the docset, I wish that will help you to build your own.

Before getting start, make sure wget and dashing installed. (There're some issues while I working with dashing prebuilt version, I use alternative go get to install.)

First to download the entire firebase web SDK reference from https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/ (Replace the URL to what your want)

wget -r -l 0 -k -p -np <SDK reference URL>

And go to folder place the downladed files.

$GOPATH/bin/dashing create

to create dashing.json that define the rules of how Dash.app index docset. (More details about define index rules, please visit Dash.app and dashing document).

After define the rules

$GOPATH/bin/dashing build

will auto-generate doceset.