
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Starting server

With your terminal open application root directory and fire:

php cli serve

Note that you must provide URLROOT from app/Config/urls.php

Starting server in that manner is for development purposes only!


Creating routes

Go to the app/Routes directory. Create route file and add two lines to it...


use App\Engine\Libraries\Router;
$router = Router::getInstance();

Router HTTP verbs

$router->get('/', function($req, $res) {});
$router->post('/', function($req, $res) {});
$router->put('/', function($req, $res) {});
$router->patch('/', function($req, $res) {});
$router->delete('/', function($req, $res) {});
$router->all('/', function($req, $res) {});
$router->match('get|post', '/', function($req, $res) {});

It is also possible to add routes in the different way.

    'route' => 'some/url',
    'controller' => 'PagesController',
    'method' => 'create',
    'csrf' => false

Router verb method takes two arguments - $request and $response.

$router->get('/', function($req, $res) {

    return $res->render('welcome');

Create routes with CLI

php cli make:routes optional/path/routerName

Router placeholder

Placeholders Description
(:continue) Continues url segments
(:alpha) Only alphabetical characters
(:num) Only numeric characters
(:alphanum) Only alphabetical and numeric characters
(:segment) Secured url characters such as dashes and low dashes, numbers and alphabetical characters

Router configuration

Configuration file can be found in app\Config\routes.php file Add route path without app\Routes directory

['Back', 'Front']

Rotues will be search in app\Routes\Back and app\Routes\Front - automatically.


A model is a place to put validation and business logic.

Create model

Create model with CLI

With cli you must provide only model name and it will generate file inside the model called Model_Modelname.php. Check out the example below.

php cli make:models modelname

Models are located inside app/Models directory. It is necessary to follow RedBeanPHP model name convention for naming model file - Model_Pages.php.

Inside model add the class and extend it with RedBeanPHP RedBean_SimpleModel class.

To initialize model add function inside the controller or router function - initModel('Pages').

<?php namespace App\Controllers;

use \R as R;

class HomeController {
    public function index($req, $res) {

        // Initialize model
        $pagesModel = initModel('Pages');

        $res->render('welcome', [
            'title' => 'APP Title'

Make sure SQL is enabled from app/Config/database.php file - define("DATABASE", TRUE);.

class Model_Pages extends RedBean_SimpleModel {

    public function open() {
        global $lifeCycle;
        $lifeCycle .= "called open: ".$this->id;

    public function dispense() {
        global $lifeCycle;
        $lifeCycle .= "called dispense() ".$this->bean;

    public function update() {
        global $lifeCycle;
        $lifeCycle .= "called update() ".$this->bean;

    public function after_update() {
        global $lifeCycle;
        $lifeCycle .= "called after_update() ".$this->bean;

    public function delete() {
        global $lifeCycle;
        $lifeCycle .= "called delete() ".$this->bean;

    public function after_delete() {
        global $lifeCycle;
        $lifeCycle .= "called after_delete() ".$this->bean;

It is posible to add custom method to the model. They can be available from initModel('Pages'); function;

// Initialize model
$pagesModel = initModel('Pages');

// Get custom method


To create migration, inside the model create method called migrate()

This method can be invoked through CLI. To fire it, inside terminal type - php cli make:migration modelName

Method spoofing

In some cases it is necessary use put, patch or some other request. In this case you can trait post request as some other.

Check example

<form action="" method="POST">
    <input name="_method" type="hidden" value="PUT" />

Or add function

<form action="" method="POST">
    <?= setMethod("PUT") ?>

CSRF Protection

CSRF hidden field

Turn CSRF protection on from - app/Config/app.php and set CSRF_PROTECTION to TRUE

To add CSRF field to your form add following...

<form method="post">
    <?= csrf_field(); ?>

Check CSRF value / hash

<?= csrf_hash() ?>

Form helpers

Prevents losing form field values with getForm('field_name') function.

<form method="post">

    <input name="fullname"  value="<?= getForm('fullname') ?>" />
    <input name="username"  value="<?= getForm('username') ?>" />
    <input name="email"     value="<?= getForm('email') ?>" />
    <input name="password"  value="" />

    <button type="submit">Submit form</button>

Before using getForm helper function, you must set if from controller or router using setForm($requestBody) function. As a parameter it takes request body.

$router->post('users/register', function($req, $res) {
    // Storing request body with setForm function

    // Redirect back to login view
    return $res->redirect(baseUrl('users/login'));

Request & Respons method

You can find $request and $response variables in to the routes callback or inside the controller method callback as an arguments. Check out the example

<?php namespace App\Controllers\Items;

use App\Engine\Libraries\Validation;
use \R as R;

class ItemsController {
    public function new($req, $res) {
        // Request variable method
        return $res->redirectBack();

Avalable request methods


Methods Description
$req->body() Getting request body. Takes optional string argument.
$req->getSegment(int 2) Getting segment of the url
$req->urlSegments() Getting segments of the url as array
$req->getMethod() Request method
$req->query(string $key) Query param
$req->queryStr() Query parameters as string
$req->files() Getting file request
$req->isAjax() Check if request is ajax

Avalable response methods


Methods Description
$res->redirect(string $url) Redirect someware
$res->redirectBack() Getting segment of the url
$res->render(string $pathToView) Rendering view
$res->status(int $response_code) Setting status code
$res->send(array $data) Sends back json data

URL helpers

Get base url

To get progect base url, use - baseUrl() function. It takes optional parametes where you can add new url based on base url. See example

<?= baseUrl() ?>                <!-- http://sitename.com -->
<?= baseUrl('users/login') ?>   <!-- http://sitename.com/users/login -->

URL segments

To get url without site base url with function urlSegments(). It takes optional parametes where you can set url indexes.

For example you current url is http://sitename.com/users/login:

<?= urlSegments() ?>    <!-- returns - users/login -->
<?= urlSegments(2) ?>   <!-- returns - login -->
<?= urlSegments('first') ?>   <!-- returns - first part of url -->
<?= urlSegments('last') ?>   <!-- returns - last part of url -->

Getting query string

<?= query() // Takes optional numeric argument ?>


Middleware Files have to be inside the app/Routes directory. It is a third parameter of the $router http verb method.

$router->get('url', 'callback or Controller@method', 'middleware')
$router->get('url', 'callback or Controller@method', 'middleware/dir1/dir2/fileFuncName')

Middleware has to be declared as string and provide path to the middleware file without .php extension at the end.

Middleware file name must be the same as function name inside!

Middleware function receives two arguments inside as $request and $response. They are the same arguments as inside the $router verb method (get, post..)

Custom helper files

Helper files are located inside app/Helpers directory and all your custom helpers must located there.

To load custom helpers there are two ways - loading them globally and for individual route.

Loading helper globally

Go to the app/Config/helpers.php Directory and add helper file names in to the array, without extention names (.php)

CONST CUSTOM_HELPERS = ['myCustomHelperOne', 'myCustomHelperTwo'];

Loading helper locally

Add custom helper inside the route file using library() function. Take a look at the example below.

use App\Engine\Libraries\Router;

$router = Router::getInstance();

$router->get('/', function($req, $res) {

    // Loading custom helpers
    helpers(['myCustomHelperOne', 'myCustomHelperTwo']);
    $res->render('welcome', [
        'title' => 'APP Title',
        'description' => 'This is the APP description'


To load libraries go to app/Config/libraries.php file and uncomment library you want to load.

Image resize library

As an image resize library we use - https://github.com/gumlet/php-image-resize

use App\Engine\Libraries\ImageResize\ImageResize;

$image = new ImageResize('image.jpg');

Render views

Views are under app/Views directory. It's possible to render them from router as well as from controller file. The render method is under router/controller $response argument

    $router->get('', function($request, $response) {
        return $response->render('path/to/view'); // Without extension name


Validation seats under App\Engine\Libraries\Validation namespace.

  1. Use validation - use App\Engine\Libraries\Validation;
  2. Initialize - $validation = new Validation();
  3. Take a look at example below
$router->post('api/one', function($req, $res) {

    // Get request data
    $body = $req->body();

    // Valdiate request data
    $valiate = $validation
                'name|Name' => 'required|alpha',
                'username|UserName' => 'required|min[4]|max[20]|alpha_num',
                'email|eMail' => 'valid_email|min[5]',
                'password|Password' => 'min[5]'

Available validators

  • alpha
  • alpha_spaces
  • alpha_num_spaces
  • numeric
  • alpha_num
  • valid_email
  • valid_url
  • valid_slug
  • min[]
  • max[]
  • ext[jpg,jpeg,gif,bmp]
  • min_size[20000]
  • max_size[200000]
  • required
  • valid_input
  • string

Field error message

        <input name="username" />
        <?= show_error('errors', 'username') ?>


Show files

public function method($req, $res) {

    // Show file/s
    $files = $req->files('input-name')->show(string $key);

Upload files

public function method($req, $res) {

    // Upload file/s
    $file = $req->files('input-name')->upload(string $filePath, string $fileName = null);

Languages and Translations

For multilangual activation go to app/Config/app.php directory and set MULTILINGUAL to true

Creating language list with CLI

Creating languages list

php cli language:set english en --primary
php cli language:set english ge

Set primary language

php cli language:primary ge

Get language list

php cli language:list show

Delete language

php cli language:delete en

Delete list

php cli language:refresh all

Creating translation files

Inside app/languages directory create folder with language code for example 'en'.

Than create .php file called for example validation and inside this file return array with key / values of words / sentences you want to translate.

return [
    'err_name' => 'Name error'

In order to show this translations use namespace use App\Engine\Libraries\Languages;

and than -


use App\Engine\Libraries\Languages;


Singleton pattern

Create Singleton pattern with CLI

php cli make:singleton className

It will generate file in app/Singleton directory. This file goning to load automatically form app/Engine/bootstrap.php file.

To use this class, just load coresponding namespace

use app\Singleton\ClassName;

public function contorllerName() {



$totalPages = R::count('pages');
$currentPage = $_GET["page"] ?? 1;
if ($currentPage < 1 OR $currentPage > $totalPages) $currentPage = 1;
$limit = 12;
$offset = ($currentPage - 1) * $limit;  
$pagingData = pager([
    'total' => $totalPages,
    'limit' => $limit,
    'current' => $currentPage
$pages = R::find("pages", "order by timestamp asc limit $limit offset $offset");

Helper functions

  • str2url(string); // Takes string as argument
  • urlSegments(int $index = null, bool $removeQuery = false);
  • pager(array);
  • rrmdir(string); // Takes directory path as argument
  • isJSON(string); // Check if json
  • toJSON(array); // Array to json
  • toArray(array); // Array to object
  • array_search_index(array $arr, string $d1, string $d2, $index = true); // Search for index in array
  • array_value_multisort(array $arr, string $key, string $nextArrayKey);
  • set_cookie(array $data);
  • get_cookie(string $name);
  • delete_cookie(string $name);
  • setFlashData(string $key, $data);
  • hasFlashData(string $key);
  • getFlashData(string $key);
  • getUserIP();


It is possible to create routes and controllers using CLI commands

  • Create route - php cli make:routes filename httpVerb
  • Create controller - php cli make:controllers filename methodName
  • Create Model - php cli make:models modelname
  • Migration through model method - php cli make:migration ModelName
  • Create restful routes and controllers - php cli make:restful Blog/Articles
  • Create singleton - php cli make:singleton className