DevOps Training - Continuous Deployment - Practical / Usage - using Docker compose

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1 - Preparation (you can be offline after this step)

1.1 - Clone the repository locally

git clone

1.2 - Pull and build the Docker containers

docker-compose -f ./training-devops-v2-continuous-deployment/docker-compose.yml pull
docker-compose -f ./training-devops-v2-continuous-deployment/docker-compose.yml build

1.3 - Install Flash

If needed, install flash ( needed by XL Deploy ) using :

sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer

1.4 - Get a licence key for XL Deploy

Subscribe here to get a free 30 day trial :

2 - Start the practical

2.1 - Start all services

docker-compose -f ./training-devops-v2-continuous-deployment/docker-compose.yml up -d

2.2 - Connect to Jenkins :


2.3 - Connect to XL Deploy :


2.3 - Connect to Gogs :


3 - Do the training

Follow the course materials :

The practical steps

4 - Deallocate resources

docker-compose -f ./training-devops-v2-continuous-deployment/docker-compose.yml kill
docker-compose -f ./training-devops-v2-continuous-deployment/docker-compose.yml rm -f -v -a