
2024-SKHU 소프트웨어 경진대회 출품작 1등 수상🏆 Co-Fence 👷

Primary LanguageJava


Co-Fence is a service that focuses on improving the management of incident reporting, employee data, and information sharing for construction site workers. Co-Fence is a word that means "fence together" in English.

We have designed Co-Fence to be the simplest configuration among domestic safety reporting systems, maximizing efficiency in real-time communication among employees through an employee database and a phone call button.

Co-Fence was developed to Solve Two of the UN's 17 sustainable development goals

About our Project:

�Co-Fence - GDSC Solution Challenge 2024

Tech Stack



Our architecture

Google Tech we use

We opted for Google Cloud Platform due to its exceptional stability and scalability, and its provision of diverse features such as Google Maps API and Firebase.

Google Cloud Platform

We use Google Cloud Platform due to its exceptional stability and scalability

Firebase Storage

Firebase Storage is built on Google Cloud Storage, benefiting from Google's infrastructure. This ensures high performance and low latency when accessing stored assets, providing a smooth experience for your users.

Database ERD

Current / Next Steps

[O] Admins can create Notice with Images.
[O] Users can upload images more than 1 image.
[X] Companies can make their own workplace.
[X] Users can use different language setting based on their OS system language setting.
[X] Users can chat via our app.
[X] Co-Fence have to incorporate convenient features into the service based on a compromise that meets the requirements of both parties.
[X] Co-Fence have to Implementing robust security policies and continuously improving our security measures.

Project Link

Server: https://github.com/Co-Fence/Co-Fence-Server

App : https://github.com/Co-Fence/Co-Fence-App

Team of Co-Fence

이윤하 김우진 고은경 이한길
@labyrinth30 @woogym @eungit @hangillee