
formulars and numbers for mining yield in Eve Online

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This is a followup to a reddit post which shows the comparison of the different combinations of mining ships and boost.

This page is currently limited to ore yields (except Mercoxit) but will be extended to ice and gas.

Ore Mining Yield

Mining Ship Yields

Meanwhile the game displays the outcome of mining yield in the hover information of the mining laser. For example when a hulk with is boosted to the maximum possible value it displays a 37.8m3/s value on its mining laser see this example screenshot:


This table shows the different outcome of mining yield with the different ships and boost types with all skills set to 5.

All numbers in m3/s per mining laser (ingame values listed for proving the numbers to be correct)

Ship No Boost Porpise Boot Orca Boost Rorqual Boost Rorqual ICT1 Boost Rorqual ICT2 Boost
Venture 4.26 6.94 7.15 7.60 9.45 9.93
Procurer 9.48 15.46 15.92 16.92 21.04 22.12
Retriever 10.33 16.84 17.34 18.42 22.92 24.09
Covetor 13.77 22.45 23.12 24.57 30.55 32.12
Skiff 11.48 18.71 19.26 20.47 25.46 26.77
Mackinaw 11.48 18.71 19.26 20.47 25.46 26.77
Hulk 16.20 26.42 27.20 28.90 35.95 37.79

All numbers in m3/s per ship (converted values for better comparability)

Ship no Boost Porpise Boot Orca Boost Rorqual Boost Rorqual ICT1 Boost Rorqual ICT2 Boost
Venture 8.52 13.89 14.30 15.19 18.89 19.86
Procurer 18.97 30.92 31.84 33.83 42.08 44.24
Retriever 20.66 33.68 34.67 36.85 45.83 48.18
Covetor 27.54 44.91 46.23 49.13 61.11 64.24
Skiff 22.95 37.42 38.53 40.94 50.92 53.53
Mackinaw 22.95 37.42 38.53 40.94 50.92 53.53
Hulk 32.40 52.83 54.39 57.80 71.89 75.58

The formular behind this table is calculated as followed:

	# skills 
	my $Mining_Skill                   = 5;
	my $Astrogeology_Skill             = 5;
	my $Mining_Director_Skill          = 5;
	my $Capital_Industrial_Ships_Skill = 5;
	my $Mining_Barge_Skill             = 5;
	my $Exhumer_Skill                  = 5;

	# factors 
	my $Mining_Foreman_Mindlink_bonus_1  = (1+0.25);
	my $Mining_Laser_optimization_base_1 = 0.15;
	my $Tech_2_Command_Burst_Modules_1   = (1+0.25);
	my $T2_Industrial_Core               = (1+0.30);
	my $Highwall_Mining_MX1005_Implant   = (1+0.05);
	my $mining_upgrades_x3               = (1+0.295);

	# Minig Crystal II Attribute
	my $Asteroid_Specialization_Yield_Modifier =  1.75;

	# Modulated Strip Miner II Attribute
	my $Strip_Miner_II_Mining_Amount = 450;
	my $Strip_Miner_II_Cycle_Time    = 180;

	my $rorqual_boost_t2 = $Mining_Laser_optimization_base_1
		* $Tech_2_Command_Burst_Modules_1
		* $T2_Industrial_Core
		* (1+0.1 * $Mining_Director_Skill)
		* $Mining_Foreman_Mindlink_bonus_1
		* (1+0.05*$Capital_Industrial_Ships_Skill) ;
	my $boost_factor = (1- $rorqual_boost_t2);

	my $hulk_base_yield =  $Strip_Miner_II_Mining_Amount 
		* $Asteroid_Specialization_Yield_Modifier
		* (1+0.05*$Mining_Skill) 
		* (1+0.05*$Astrogeology_Skill)
		* $Highwall_Mining_MX1005_Implant
		* $mining_upgrades_x3;

	my $hulk_base_time =    $Strip_Miner_II_Cycle_Time 
		* (1-0.02*$Mining_Barge_Skill)
		* (1-0.03*$Exhumer_Skill)
		* (1-0.25)  # role bonus
		* $boost_factor;

	my $mining_yield_per_second = $hulk_base_yield / $hulk_base_time;

	printf("%3.2f", $mining_yield_per_second); # prints 37.79

Mining Drone Yields

The Mining amount of ore collected via drones is listed in the attributes section of the info window for each drone.

In this example it is 2651.28 m3


This value is calculated as followed:

	# skills 
	my $Drone_Interfacing_Skill           = 5;
	my $Mining_Drone_Operation_Skill      = 5;
	my $Mining_Drone_Specialization_Skill = 4; # example value not maxed.
	my $Industrial_Command_Ships_Skill    = 5;

	# Excavator Mining Drone base yield
	my $drone_base = 100;
	my $drone_yield_per_second = $drone_base
		* (1 + 0.1 * $Industrial_Command_Ships_Skill)
		* (1 + 0.1 * $Drone_Interfacing_Skill)
		* (1 + 0.05 * $Mining_Drone_Operation_Skill)
		* (1 + 0.02 * $Mining_Drone_Specialization_Skill)
		* (1 + 0.15 ) # medium mining drone augmentor II
		* (1 + 0.15 ) # medium mining drone augmentor II
		* (1 + 0.10 ) # medium mining drone augmentor I
		* (1 + 5.00 ); # 500% ic2 bonus

	printf("%3.2f", $drone_yield_per_second); # prints 2651.28

The outcome for all kinds of mining drones is this. Note that that the venture can only operate two drones while all other ships run up to five drones.

All numbers in m3 per 60s cycle per drone (ingame values listed for proving the numbers to be correct)

Ship Mining Drone I Mining Drone II Augmented Mining Drone Harvester Mining Drone Excavator Mining Drone
Venture 75.01 99.01 111.02 126.02 N/A
Procurer 75.01 99.01 111.02 126.02 N/A
Retriever 75.01 99.01 111.02 126.02 N/A
Covetor 75.01 99.01 111.02 126.02 N/A
Skiff 68.19 90.01 100.92 114.56 N/A
Mackinaw 68.19 90.01 100.92 114.56 N/A
Hulk 68.19 90.01 100.92 114.56 N/A
Porpoise 168.77 222.78 249.79 283.54 N/A
Orca 225.03 297.04 333.05 378.05 N/A
Rorqual 112.52 148.52 166.52 189.03 450.06
Rorqual ICT1 562.58 742.60 832.62 945.13 2250.32
Rorqual ICT2 675.09 891.13 999.14 1134.16 2700.38

eXistence_42 requested the mining yield for the drones to be comparable to the ship yield numbers. For this purpose the yield value is multiplied by the number of drones (2 for the venture and 5 for other ships) and divided by the 60s cycle duration. Note that it leaves out the travel time between the drones and the ship, so the real numbers will be lower than listed here.

All numbers in m3/s per ship with max drones (converted values for better comparability)

Ship Mining Drone I Mining Drone II Augmented Mining Drone Harvester Mining Drone Excavator Mining Drone
Venture 2.50 3.30 3.70 4.20 N/A
Procurer 6.25 8.25 9.25 10.50 N/A
Retriever 6.25 8.25 9.25 10.50 N/A
Covetor 6.25 8.25 9.25 10.50 N/A
Skiff 5.68 7.50 8.41 9.55 N/A
Mackinaw 5.68 7.50 8.41 9.55 N/A
Hulk 5.68 7.50 8.41 9.55 N/A
Porpoise 14.06 18.57 20.82 23.63 N/A
Orca 18.75 24.75 27.75 31.50 N/A
Rorqual 9.38 12.38 13.88 15.75 37.51
Rorqual ICT1 46.88 61.88 69.38 78.76 187.53
Rorqual ICT2 56.26 74.26 83.26 94.51 225.03


The code to generate these tables is here

Ice Mining Yield

To be done

Gas Mining Yield

To be done


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