EasyTransfer is a program used to easily send one file to another person.

easytransfer <file_to_send>

It will run a HTTP server in the background, and give you a link for the file.
The link expires in 30 minutes or 2 downloads, whichever comes first.
Directories are supported:
easytransfer <folder_to_send>
The folder will automatically be compressed before being sent.

The file will NOT be saved in the cloud. The file is tranferred directly from
your computer to the other person's computer.

For a full list of options, type
easytransfer -h

This program will automatically forward ports using UPnP. If you are behind a
router without UPnP, it will probably not work.

It is tested on Linux and Mac OS X, but full support for Windows is coming.

This program requires the boost, libarchive, and miniupnpc. Specifically, it
requires boost_filesystem, boost_system, and boost_program_option.
It uses mongoose library as a lightweigh HTTP server, but a slightly modified
version is included with the source code. The make system is based on scons.
If you have scons installed, you can compile it by typing 'scons' in the folder.
You can install it by typing 'scons install'. You can remove it by just deleting
easytransfer from /usr/local/bin.

On Ubuntu (and probably Debian as well), use this to install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-program-options-dev libarchive-dev
You will also need to install latest version of libminiupnpc here:

This program is released under the BSD license.