- 0
#57 opened by Stoneseraphic - 1
#51 opened by linxuebo - 0
- 1
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: name error throwing when running jar using java -jar myapp.jar but when running from intellij it works
#36 opened by sushiljic - 14
Not working in docker
#7 opened by lgabeskiria - 5
HtmlToPdf in Docker not working
#23 opened by ludde182 - 2
- 1
How can I print footer page number?
#49 opened by wlkkva - 10
- 1
- 0
Hi, I have another issue of how can we add custom pagesize and also add headers and footer to every page
#55 opened by Developer74 - 4
- 1
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library Native library not found problem, how to install these package on linux?
#50 opened by wmxl - 2
Encoding of Right Double Quote
#32 opened by aelfric - 0
QThreadStorage Destroyed Message
#53 opened by mjnorberg - 2
#34 opened by LUCKYZHOUSTAR - 0
It runs normally in windows, but not in Linux
#52 opened by linxuebo - 5
Conversion issue in linux
#18 opened by rnachireddy - 0
Upgrade to the new version of wkhtmltopdf
#47 opened by rutsatz - 0
Upgrade to the new version of wkhtmltopdf
#48 opened by rutsatz - 1
Dependency issue
#35 opened by mchirlin - 0
- 1
- 0
Chart conversion not working
#46 opened by dravidnsk - 1
Character references
#42 opened by ringhedj - 1
Blank pages always appear at the end.
#45 opened by l0pest - 1
Which exactly to use and how to run this
#25 opened by harishsundar - 0
- 0
How to disableIntelligentShrinking
#40 opened by jyc1992 - 0
mvnrepository 1.0.8 download failed...
#39 opened by xyabc120 - 3
Provide statically linked
#30 opened by krzemin - 0
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
#37 opened by Gift-retyu - 7
Concurrency support
#9 opened by benbarkay - 0
Chinese & japanese font
#33 opened by asadullahrao - 3
Result PDF lost encoding UTF-8
#31 opened by jcabala14 - 1
- 0
Does it have a low memory footprint?
#28 opened by danmaidesenling - 1
- 2
I get question marks instead of letters
#26 opened by OctoOsmo - 1
Korean letter is not printing in pdf
#24 opened by mdmukhtar786 - 0
#22 opened by jnagaraj82 - 11
Executor Service lock support
#20 opened by TruongPhi - 6
Text is tiny when no zoom value is provided
#21 opened by plumpNation - 5
wooio/htmltopdf-java works on localhost and doesn't work on remote server(Public IP)
#15 opened by shridharsahucequity - 3
Empty pdf file is being generated
#14 opened by neha050 - 2
java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException when trying to generate two PDF from set of HTML
#13 opened by callnirajgupta - 3
Encoding problem
#12 opened by tomkri3 - 6
IO Stream not closing
#11 opened by jcorbett55 - 6
Calling convert() second time freezes
#8 opened by lgabeskiria - 1
suggestion: add support for CompletableFuture
#6 opened by keisar