
Making psycho-therapy-assistant using STT and emotion-tagging model.

Primary LanguageC

2020 KISTI AI analysis & application National Competition
(prize-winning project, 2th place)

  • Subject : Developing tool that visualizes the flow of emotions of counselee while doing psycho-therapy via timeline chart using Deep Learning


psycho-therapy-assistant is a assistive tool for Psychotherapy that listens to counselee's speaking, show a timeline graph of flow of emotions to counselor. It classifies sentences of speaking into 28 kinds of emotions (e.g. happiness, sadness, disappointment, neutral, ...). It internally uses Deepspeech as a STT(speech-to-text) model, bert as a tagging model.

System Process

speecn2text.py is the file which listens to the input sound file, then takes the contents down as a text using deepspeech STT(speech to text) library.

mybert_classifier.py is the file which gets the output of speech2text.py as a input file, then returns the sentences of the contents with 28 kinds of emotion tags using customized bert model.

  1. When you execute speech2text.py file, it will read .wav file which you give as a command line parameter.
  2. Resample input file and adjust the sampling rate using librosa.
  3. Split the input file in each one-minute interval and read each of them.
  4. Return STT.csv as a result.
  5. When you execute mybert_classifier.py file, it will read STT.csv located in final_bert_emotion_classifier/csv_files folder.
  6. Return STT_emotion_predictions.tsv as a result in final_bert_emotion_classifier/csv_files/result folder.
  7. When you execute index.html which is located in same folder as STT_emotion_predictions.tsv file, it will automatically read the result file and show you the timeline graph. Note that you should consider CORS policy when you execute index.html



Quick Configuration

Simply run settings.sh to configure environment variables.

sh settings.sh


Run run.sh with the path of sound file as a command line parameter.

sh run.sh ./final_bert_emotion_classifier/csv_files/sample.wav


[1] https://github.com/mozilla/DeepSpeech Deepspeech

[2] https://github.com/google-research/bert bert

[3] Mattias Heldner, Jens Edlund, Pauses, gaps and overlaps in conversations, Oct, 2010.