TODO: Project description
- Rails - ~> 5.2.1
- Ruby - 2.4.2
- PostgreSQL
If you haven't installed ruby, bundler, postgresql, selenium-webdriver, and chromedriver do that first.
brew cask install chromedriver
brew cask install selenium-webdriver
brew cask install postgresql
Then, do the following to set up this app:
git clone <REPO_URL>
cd <APP_DIR>
bundle install
cp .env.example .env
bundle exec rails db:setup
To run the app locally:
bundle exec foreman start
Or run two sepearate processes for bundle exec rails s
and bin/webpack-dev-server
Then navigate to http://localhost:3000
For a list of credentials you can use to log into the app, check the seeds file.
These logins are created via rails db:setup