
Web scraping in python and telegram-bots (telepot)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Web Scraping

This is a simple python3 code for webscraping. Basically what the program does is channelling requests through tor and scrap for latest python-tagged questions here. Latest data is then sent to a telegram channel via a bot. A scheduler which refreshes every 5 seconds manages the scrapper.py

Python libraries used in web-scraping.


Setting up telegram bot:

First of, you need to create a Telegram bot, if you haven't done this before its super easy you can look at: Take note of your bot token. The next thing is creating a public channel on telegram, take note of the group @username. Now make the bot an administrator to the channel; In any Telegram client:

1. Open Channel info (in app title)
2. Choose Administrators
3. Add Administrator
4. There will be no bots in contact list, so you need to search for it. Enter your bot's username
5. Clicking on it you make it as administrator.

That's it with the bot creation, now the interesting part.

Installing the required libraries:

Clone this repository and when its done, navigate to the cloned directory through the terminal. Run the following command to install all the required dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt 

Now everything is set, only a few changes left.



is used to set a proxy for your telegram-bot in case they are blocked in your region otherwise you can comment it. For the proxy, you can google and grab anything of your choice, although private proxies work great as well.

bot = telepot.Bot('BOT_TOKEN') 

specifies your bot by taking your bot token generated earlier when you created a bot. Bot token in in this syntax: 123456789:ABCdefGhIJKlmNoPQRsTUVwxyZ.

tr = TorRequest(password='BLANK') 

creates a tor request handler, unless you reconfigure tor, the password parameter should be left blank.


creates a new hidden identity, ie assigns you a tor IP address.

r = tr.get(l1 + '/questions/tagged/python/') 

is the actual request made to stackoverflow.

I find it wise using the torrequest library as this keeps your identity hidden as you scrape the site. But if you dont feel comfortable with it, request standard library all works fine with no flaws, the difference is that your real IP is exposed.


is responsible for making the scraping part. First a request is made, through looping around tags(html format), links to the questions are fetched. Note that at this point the link is not full. Which is why the link is concatinated with the l1 variable, for a complete working URL. The URLs are saved a list up until it gets to a length of 10. A with statement opens a text file newD.txt, then the contents of data are appended to the file.


compares the contents of newD.txt with those old.txt. Differences in the file represent new data, new data is sent to the telegram channel and old.txt is updated.

The Scheduler.py is used to run the scrapper.py. This makes it almost possible to achieve real-time feed of questions being posted at any one moment.

Contributions are greatly appreciated. Hope you find this code useful.

References and Resources:

article on TorRequest

Telepot Documentation

Making your bot channel admin

Free proxies

BeautifulSoup4 Documentation

APScheduler Documentation