
Open Badge Passport community edition

Primary LanguageClojureApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Open Badge Passport community edition

Open Badges is an open standard developed by the Mozilla Foundation to recognize, validate and demonstrate learning that happens anywhere. Open Badges are digital credentials, created and issued by organizations such as schools, vocational organizations, companies and employers for their students, members, staff, clients or partners.

Open Badge Passport is a platform for badge earners to easily receive, save and organize their Open Badges and share them on social media such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Salava (this project) is the open source implementation of the currently running proof-of-concept. Our first goal is to have the same feature set and then build on that.

Quickest way to see what this project is about is to create an account in Open badge Passport (it's free) and play around with that.

Quick start

The project is still in its early stages and not really suitable for any real use. Still, you can try it out.

The code is known to work with Ubuntu Linux, Oracle Java 8 and MariaDb 10. We use Leiningen as dependency manager. For building scss files you need a sass compiler, such as sassc. On OS X you can use Homebrew:

$ brew install sassc

Install the database. With Homebrew:

$ brew install mariadb

Start the database:

mysql.server start

Create the database:

mysql -uroot
create database salava;
create database salava_test;
create user salava identified by 'salava';
grant all privileges on salava.* to 'salava'@'localhost';
grant all privileges on salava_test.* to 'salava'@'localhost';

Create your config files for development and testing:

$ cp resources/config/core.edn.base resources/config/core.edn
$ cp resources/test_config/core.edn.base resources/test_config/core.edn

Edit the files and add your db settings etc. (Don't forget to create the databases as well).

Create a directory to store files that are uploaded or created by Salava. Add the directory to the config file (keyword :data-dir).

After that:

# Initialize your db and insert some sample data
$ lein migrator-reset

# Build translation files
$ lein translate

# Start figwheel, cljsbuild and scss compiler
$ lein develop

# (in another terminal)

# Start application server
$ lein repl
# ...
user=> (go)

# Load test config and run all tests
user=> (toggle-test-mode)
user=> (run-tests)

# Switch back to development mode
user=> (toggle-test-mode)


  • OAuth
  • Full text search
  • User groups
  • Admin tools
  • More tests


Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Discendum Oy and contributors.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.